If you are a leftist and didn’t vote. It is abso-fucking-lutely your fault.
If you are a leftist and didn’t vote. It is abso-fucking-lutely your fault.
As a person from Europe, who’s is living next to Ukraine, who’s girlfriend is ukranian, who’s many friends are Ukrainian, who’s many friends died due to that terrorist state: If you were eligible to vote in the US and didn’t, fuck you.
Any vote that didn’t go to Kamala, is a vote for fascism, a vote to accelerate and finish the genocide of palestine, a vote to cease support for Ukraine and a vote to help terrorists in ruzzia. If you support any of that, Fuck. You.
But I know my ukranian brothers, they will not surrender. Even if you selfish American pricks don’t support them. They will fight until they can’t fight anymore, and then they will still fight.
Unlike you, they are brave. They are heroes. They know whats fucking right.
And frankly, for all terrible things coming to the US, if you didnt vote, you deserve them all.
If you are from the LGBTQ+ community, not white or a woman, and you didn’t vote, you have just commited suicide.
I will still support Ukraine, financially. Its not much but I don’t care. And if its not enough and the worst comes, I am ready to die to save my brothers, just like my people did in the past.
I am willing to do my part, if you didn’t vote, you didnt. So one, last fuck you.
Yea and when you legally stream the mouse can legally kill you
make cheaper games
if your game is any good, it will sell millions of copies, giving you way more than you put in
pay ceos less and devs more, so they make the games better and more efficiently
Ah, yes, of course, and Russia is a beautiful country, not doing imperialism right now. They are definitely not murdering innocent people on the daily
Because adapting a book that is considered unadaptable isn’t bold
Books, except maybe college books.
Damn buddy, way to explode with the littlest of prods
Stay mad, I suppose 💋
Yeah, that ugly asshole has no sense of humour. He would have probably killed her 5 minutes in
This feels like a memetic kill agent
If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing.
Back in my day we worked 28 hours a day and didnt complain!!
(They put cocaine in coca cola and lead in the water)
Food taste good me like
Food taste icky me no eat
God made them do it!
Police try to understand anything challenge (100% impossible) (gone sexual) (gone violent)
Thats cool, I don’t use chinese spyware phones anyways
You sure showed them!!