From the same thread:
If You Like Regular Expressions So Much, Why Don’t You Marry Them?
Can relate.
From the same thread:
If You Like Regular Expressions So Much, Why Don’t You Marry Them?
Can relate.
Maybe I’m missing the point, but COL in other countries is also only a fraction of the US’s. We don’t live in hunger and squalor over here, you know. Plus, to move, you won’t need significant savings.
No, the real issue, as with all migration from high- to low-wage countries, is that you cannot easily return for retirement because you’re not going to be able to save enough for the US’s housings prices or rents.
Good for Perl diving, I guess.
Just the other day, I’ve been forced to watch at least 10 ads for Chrome on Youtube. Falls upon deaf ears with me, but others, I can imagine, will just mindlessly click and download that shit.
“See, our love is just like a diamond: Turns to coal under high pressure and to smoke when heated.”
Edited for facts
I was thinking it’s a Pretty Hate Machine.
DAE remember that movie White Noise? The climax was fucking horrifying and I have to admit that it haunted me for quite a while.
For better or worse, kids today probably won’t get it.
Katzenelnbogen, too - cat’s elbow.
Wulle wu kuschee awek mwa?
Hubert Schwarz famously cycled around the world… twice. IIRC, the first time at 40 and then again at 46. Previously, at age 35, he completed all of the - then five - world’s Ironman competitions in a single year.
Those novel currencies, of course, will be tied to Bitcoin or some other “coin” they’ll create exclusively for that purpose, brothel-money style.