Yes, the Galaxy S5 was the only Samsung flagship using the micro USB 3.0 port. They backpedaled to micro USB 2.0 in S6 and S7, and then migrated to USB-C in S8. I’m not sure about the Note series.
Yes, the Galaxy S5 was the only Samsung flagship using the micro USB 3.0 port. They backpedaled to micro USB 2.0 in S6 and S7, and then migrated to USB-C in S8. I’m not sure about the Note series.
Unlikely, the A plugs are for the host devices while the B plugs are for peripherals. It got blurred with smartphones (see: USB-OTG) but in general the host devices were big enough to have full-sized USB ports, so the smaller USB-Bs are extremely rare.
Yes, that’s what I meant by “the micro USB most of us know”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the A variant of micro USB.
The micro USB most of us know already is a USB-B. Each cable before USB-C had USB-A on one side and USB-B on the other. The square-like one used for printers is a full-sized USB-B, as opposed to the one used in phones (micro USB-B).
With some sprinkle of libraries such as anyhow
and thiserror
the Rust errors become actually pleasant to use. The vanilla way is indeed painful when you start handling more than one type of error at a time.
Go is like that abusive partner that gives you flowers and the next day makes you feel like shit. Then another day you go to an expensive restaurant and you tell yourself that maybe it’s not so bad and they still care. And the cycle continues.
Rust is an autistic partner that sometimes struggles with telling you how much they care, is often overly pedantic about technical correctness and easily gets sidetracked by details, but with some genuine effort from both sides it’s very much a workable relationship.
If the hard mode merely makes everything into a bullet sponge with huge HP bar, no thanks. I’m perfectly fine with some games just being easier and others just being harder. Or having multiple well thought out difficulty options, but only if they are actually well thought out.
The very notion of “less of a UB” is against the concept of UB. If you have an UB in your program, all guarantees are out of the window.
Or frontdoor checkbox for that matter, given that it’s the literal device owner that takes the action tripping their “security” tripwire.