If I break into your house and steal your TV then knock on your door the next day to offer to sell it back to you, would you buy it?
If I break into your house and steal your TV then knock on your door the next day to offer to sell it back to you, would you buy it?
I love French wine, like I the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d’enculé de ta mère. It’s like wiping your arse with silk. I love it.
Well, I was referring to the act of making the meme but, as a general rule, I don’t judge people’s hobbies unless they hurt someone. Anyway, you’re clearly a lot of fun to be around so I’m going to go ahead and let you get back to yelling at clouds.
Sounds to me like you need to find some hobbies.
Let’s be honest, that sounds like heaven.
I’ll be running for President next cycle on a platform based around Morlock equality. Make America Morlock Again!
Fuck you op. Mushrooms are plants, Pluto is a planet, and that’s the truth from one edge of this flat Earth to the other.
~disclaimer: this is a joke~
Sounds like a good guess. I would use it just because I’m already familiar with it.
There’s a firefox extension that upgrades the twitch player and blocks ads. Can’t remember the name but it was easy to find when I searched for it.
The primary source is a leaked podcast script from a podcast run by an anonymous celebrity gossip Instagram account which was posted on reddit. This is basically the journalist equivalent to using 4chan green-text as a citation. The article, which fails to verify anything, is a year and a half old and not a soul related to the production has corroborated any part of it in that time.
No official statement was made about why Cavill is no longer on The Witcher. I wouldn’t doubt that he was being difficult on set considering his love of the source material and how little the show respected it. I also wouldn’t be surprised to find out his contract just ran out and neither party was interested in renegotiating.
James Gunn has specificly said, on thar record, that Cavill wasn’t fired. The next Super Man is just going to be younger. After how badly Black Adam flopped, I’m not surprised they’re taking the DCU in a different direction.
Or “I want to sleep with you but I’d rather you die than have anyone find out.”
Nothing happened. There was no price increase those years. The chart isn’t misleading at all, OP just cut off the title, “Netflix Price Hikes 2011-2023.” 2018 and 2021 aren’t relevant because there was no change.
And, if you’re American, that you have to keep doing it until it kills you.
It’s Joe Exotic of Tiger King fame.
Is it vegan to sit on that high horse?
If I learned anything from all of the Sunday school my parents forced me to go to it’s that Jesus was a white dude with amazing abs.