i thought gendered languages had two genders for words like “person” so you could make the swap when the gender is known
e.g. un person / une personne
i thought gendered languages had two genders for words like “person” so you could make the swap when the gender is known
e.g. un person / une personne
lol you can’t post about this stuff on Lemmy, the majority are people who don’t relate but can’t help but open their fat mouths. 90% of the comments are always “don’t smoke”.
just fuck off and let us have a conversation about our own shit
good meme sir
Rasta is a whacko pseudo-Christian religion that controls women by enforcing archaic purity standards on them. The only people who think it is “cool” are abusers and ignorant white dudes with dreads who want to justify their substance use.
probably because you don’t understand the culture and/or are only looking at specific examples.
if you want to understand korea, you need to understand pain. the national story is one of constant pain and humiliation, and finding the strength to preserve through it. listen to Arirang for starters. that’s the unofficial national anthem, and it’s about a girl getting fucked over by a dude trying to get a better job, because mfs were starving to death back in the day
south korea is still a piracy paradise btw
so glad he’s dead
do you think Snowden is on Lemmy?
its cuz PA west of the Appalachins is basically the midwest. it’s like having next door neighbors from Iowa
this doesn’t answer the Why
why do people torrent recipes? aren’t they just free everywhere online
you have four drip coffees and NO French or Turkish? no instant? no teas? laaaaaame. it was already lame with the computer nerd shit but LAAAAME. not even a fkin percolator?
S4-5 were a weird situation. I forget which one, I think 4, but there was a writer’s strike when it was made so they had to scramble to wrap up the plotline. And didn’t do a great job. There’s also an explanation for the weird plot development point later in S5 if you look up what the actor was doing IRL. You’ll know what I’m talkin about when you see it.
House Season 8 sucks anyway. character development is replaced by stereotypes. can’t believe they named her fucking " chi park " and make her repeat tired old republican clichés instead of having actual backstory
("치"라는 한국사람이 없는데 진짜 물고기 같죠 ㅋ)
bro i dont even use linux and you’re annoying me. little brother vibes
This actually happened to me once. I illegally streamed a show and then this Italian guy Vinnie the Foot blasts through my screen. Nice guy. Asked for a towel, I made him an espresso, we watched movies and smoked cigars til sunrise.
I’m guessing this site would be a dud on that day, since most of yall have about as much charisma as an old shoe.
is TPB dead?
like everything else in this thread, doesn’t it depend on the context? like I’m willing to bet that if you polled a ton of people to “draw an animal” the overwhelming majority would draw vertebrates
jelly??? but why are you eating jelly on your pizza dude