We’re even invasive to ourselves.
Helldivers 2. It kept crashing so I figured it was because of the anti cheat. Perhaps it was just user error and I need to try again.
It’s mostly the problems with anti cheats. The one that comes to mind is Helldivers. I already hated the anti cheat for that game but it’s impossible on Linux. If I was still into Apex Legends I’m sure Easy Anti Cheat would cause some issues but I’m not sure. If Easy Anti Cheat doesn’t work then there are a lot of games to add to that list like Halo and The Finals. I can’t name a lot off the top of my head but Easy Anti Cheat is super popular with devs of online games.
For sure. I’m doing the dual boot life these days because as much as I want every game to work on Linux there are still some that don’t. And some games just work better on Windows. But at the same time that’s why more devs supporting Linux is what we wanna see.
As a long time Linux enjoyer, this is honestly the easiest way to get it into the mainstream. People have already seen the success of the steam deck which only reinforces that Linux can be used for gaming better than ever before. As long as people stop using Windows I’m here for it.
That would just make them even bigger targets than they already are. And now they won’t have a way to defend themselves? That sounds like a nightmare. I used to play Overwatch and would always play support. There’s no way in hell i’d trust my team to help me if I’m being attacked. They’re probably just gonna jump ahead and say “I need healing!” fifteen times and call me a trash healer as I get the shit beaten out of me with no way to fight back. If this is how support roles worked nobody would play them. I already get left to my own devices as the rest of the team ignores me getting attacked in the back line. It’s already a thankless and painful role to play and this would make it unbearable.
Well if you didn’t put PSN on a single player game you wouldn’t have this happen. I was gonna buy it day one until I heard. Instead, I’m just focusing on my backlog that’s been piling up and I’ll just get it when it’s on sale
Also remember that PSN isn’t available in all countries. So if you’re in one of those 100+ countries you can’t even play it if you buy it.
Jake the Dog
Yeah but what if it was just Jack Black chilling in a Minecraft world just doing Minecraft things.
If it was just Jack Black in a Minecraft world I’d honestly be down. That just sounds like stupid fun. But this looks awful. Like, original Sonic trailer awful (more in vibe than aesthetic, but still). And it looks like it takes itself entirely too seriously. It’s fucking Minecraft my dudes.
Damn, that’s rough. Regardless of your opinion on the game that’s a lot of hard work down the drain. I honestly feel bad for all the artists, musicians, programmers, and voice actors that put in years of work for it all to end like this. And we all know that Sony is going to fire pretty much everyone on the development team to recover costs even if it goes free to play. People that didn’t even have direct control over the direction of the game and were just doing their best. Hopefully at least the game will go free to play so the people that want to play it can get a chance.
But at the same time I find it kinda funny that the same people that bitched about it not being free to play will be totally down to spend $40 on a couple skins instead of, you know, an entire game with all the cosmetics included. I guess the option to spend money is more powerful than a requirement to spend money.
Also I think the play test for Valve’s new game Deadlock kinda screwed over the launch of anything hero shooter related. That play test has had more players during the play test than some games have over the course of 5 years.
This meme was created way before Assassin’s Creed added Yasuke to their game. Which sucks because this meme was pretty funny before people got racist.
This meme was a lot funnier before the whole Assassin’s Creed debacle. Although it is funny seeing people get mad about it while trying not to sound racist lol.
Honestly, I can’t even remember the last time I bought an EA game. What do they even make these days besides sports games?
I spent over $4,000 on my PC a few years ago. She isn’t top of the line, but she gets the job done. I shouldn’t have to brute force my way into newer games because the optimization is so bad that my fairly decent PC can’t even get the game up to 60fps when it could play God of War at 100fps+ 2 years ago. I’m not gonna spend thousands of dollars for a new graphics card every couple years just because your game runs like shit. That’s almost as much money as I spend on my car payments.
Not optimizing games is just lazy game development. Back in the 90’s and 2000’s you HAD to make your game run well on most systems or you wouldn’t be able to sell as much as you needed to. Nowadays computers and consoles can do so much that optimization is unfortunately an afterthought.
Not sure whether they will remove it entirely or just delist it. I love Steam and the convenience of it and the majority of my games are on Steam. But this is why we should be able to own our games. You never know when your favorite game decides to do something like this.
Yes I was talking about the movies. :)
Loved the Hobbit and LotR books. Had them all when I was a kid and would always reread them.
HoMM2 was my favorite game as a kid. It was my first entry too. I’ll have to look into it. Thanks friend!
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Halo, Thief, Heroes of Might and Magic, and Turok.
All things I was incredibly hype for new stuff. All incredible let downs with some more than the others.
Star Wars - Pretty much all previous games and books got retconned out.
Lord of the Rings - Started with the Hobbit and has been downhill since then.
Halo - Halo 4 was okay but everything after that basically changed everything about the lore.
Heroes of Might and Magic - Favorite game as a kid but Ubisoft ruined it and doesn’t even make them anymore.
Turok - The reboot is so far from the original they could have renamed the character and just called it something else.
Its been stuck in my head since I thought of this.