How did you set the custom screensavers?
I ran the jailbreak on my Kindle PW6 following the instructions linked here but everything I’m finding when searching how to set custom screensavers is extremely out of date.
How did you set the custom screensavers?
I ran the jailbreak on my Kindle PW6 following the instructions linked here but everything I’m finding when searching how to set custom screensavers is extremely out of date.
Anyone know how to set custom screen idle images after doing this? I’ve been wanting to put ‘Don’t Panic’ on my 6th gen paperwhite since I got it but it’s so locked down that wasn’t possible.
At one point the Cryengine was going to be the future of gaming and then… Nothing. There were like two games ever to actually use it.
This is what I’m using and I haven’t found any reason to switch yet.
I’ve been using Bazzite too. It’s kind of so stable it’s boring.
Mostly infrastructure as code with folks installing software natively on their windows host (terraform, ansible, powershell modules, but we also do some NPM stuff too). I’m trying to get people used to running a container instead of installing things on their host so I don’t have to chase people down when they run commands using the wrong version or something.
I’ve been really trying to push for more usage of dev containers at my org. I deal with so much hassle helping people install dependencies and deal with bizarre environment issues. And then doing it all over again every time there is turnover or someone gets a new laptop. We’re an Ops team though so it’s a real struggle to add the additional complexity of running and troubleshooting containers on top of mostly new dev concepts anyway.
To deploy a docker container to a Windows host you first need to install a Linux virtual machine (via WSL which is using Hyper-V under the hood).
It’s basically the same process for FreeBSD (minus the optimizations), right?
Containers still need to match the host OS/architecture they are just sandboxed and layer in their own dependencies separate from the host.
But yeah you can’t run them directly. Same for Windows except I guess there are actual windows docker containers that don’t require WSL but if people actually use those it’d be news to me.
Microsoft has weird rules with OEMs about selling the same hardware without a Windows license. This might be a way around it.
I upgraded to a new GPU a few weeks ago but all I’ve been doing is playing Factorio which would run just fine on 15 year old hardware.
I’d been starting to get into it when the Android release dropped and then I was cooked. Now between Steam/Android I’ve always got a run going somewhere.
My parents ask me for help with their carrier-provided Android phone and I’m just like “Wow, you live like this?”
Complete insanity how much garbage bloat they cram on those things.
No shade to my Ace friends intended. Totally possible to be horny for art or rock collecting or whatever. Doesn’t have to be a sexy thing. I’m horny for none of the above is totally valid.
The default should be “I’m horny” but unless I specify you have to guess who I’m horny for.
Debian + Containers is definitely the way. Literally so stable it’s boring.
Yeah this is one of those things where accessibility settings can probably get you 90% there but screenshots and machine learning can probably close the gap somewhat reliably (even if it’s much less efficient).
If it was free and I just had to pay the subscription I’d think “Can’t my phone already do all this?”
Same here. I love DuckDNS but after the third DNS outage taking down all my services I migrated to Cloudflare and haven’t had a single problem since.
I don’t really engage with the online mechanics in Elden Ring… Maybe I should? I’ve put hundreds of hours into the game otherwise. I rate and leave messages but I’ve never summoned help for co-op or invaded people except for Varre’s quest where I always just get obliterated by people who are way better prepared than me.
I decided to go ahead and install KOReader and check it out. It’s pretty neat although I can’t find what you’re describing in the settings.
In any case I was hoping to find a way to do this without having to switch to a separate user interface.