The whole point of self-hosting it is to not put the information on a public cloud. But, thankfully the F-Droid fork is still going on and I had misread it anyway.
The whole point of self-hosting it is to not put the information on a public cloud. But, thankfully the F-Droid fork is still going on and I had misread it anyway.
I do have it installed through F-Droid. I thought I read that they weren’t really going to be focusing on it at all, so updates may just die out.
Brings the little hope that my current situation won’t die!
I don’t know enough about Java directly to contribute anything useful, sadly.
This plus the syncthing announcement about the Android client ending support is a bad day indeed. I was just thinking about self hosting instead of KeePass + SyncThing now it’s back to the drawing board once it stops working 😵💫
Looks like they still haven’t launched it yet. They just mentioned they would in this Ars Technica article.
oof. All I can do is thank you for the hard work that anybody’s put into this, and I’m sad to see it go because I’ve been using this with my keypass for probably about a year now.
Really hoping the Graphene OS lawsuit allows for some Options to open up again!
I don’t know what kind of specs you’re looking for for your system, but I’ve been very happy with my netgate.
Though it’s still close to $200 for the lowest model, but comes with support if your not really sure what your doing.
Netgate 1100 $189
No link posted because I didn’t look at the rules for this community.
I think the biggest problem is the fact that it is a three-pronged Choice.
Where two of them are fighting each other to become the biggest dumpster fire and the last one is just trying to function.
Its like the American political system. 😂