Turkish Dirty Harry > Spring Break Predator
Turkish Dirty Harry > Spring Break Predator
This is the only answer
Maybe you look at too many memes?
Imagine getting sucked into that and then learning about student loan bailouts
Swing and a miss. Eagle scouts have some crazy community service requirements.
and some of their admins (Im looking at you Antik)
Lemmy world mods are a joke.
Do you have any starfish and chocolate, per chance?
yea just throw some leftover asparagus in some water and see if yuppies buy it for 6 bucks (16oz).
One of my 1st employers had “extra mile” coupons. Originally worth 7.50 in store credit, then 5, then they disappeared. This was a company that was charging 6 dollars for asparagus water.
Nailed it. Some users are intent on making this reddit 2.0 with all the baggage. Ive seen entire subs be spam downvoted because some user had the time and hate.
Theyre backtracking now. “thats not what we said”- wendy’s ceo. Too late bro.
bUt tTIs iS thE MosT iMPortANt elEcTIOn oF OUr liFeTImE… until the next one, and then the one after that, o and the next one after that…