Do you? Because educated people still fall for this bullshit.
Do you? Because educated people still fall for this bullshit.
Except laborers are also capitalists. I’m a laborer, and trust me when I say there’s plenty of people here on Lemmy who think I’m a dirty fucking useless capitalist because I need to spend money to survive, or chose to purchase a luxury, or offset my labor by requesting compensation in money form from another person.
90,000 different definitions here on Lemmy of what people think capitalism is and what a capitalist is, I’m weary at this point from all the disparate ideas of what this notion even is. It’s ludicrous. It doesn’t matter to people what it ACTUALLY MEANS becuase its become a sudonym for people hatred of money in general (which I share).
So no, you don’t get to have a world where somebody drew a comic for fun and profited off of it, but that’s somehow NOT capitalism, then somehow when Netflix making a live show, is 100% different and suddenly capitalism. It’s fucking stupid to even suggest. They are both capitalists. Even if the artist is not the IP holder, they have been a cog in the system which holds the IP regardless and as such are constituent.
The same could be said for the show that is being discussed in the parent comment. I would hope you see my point by now but I’m going to guess you don’t.
Capitalist brought you the source material this was derived from tho
If I really have to explain to you how your name, which is centered around the fall guy for the toxic community we all previously left, is a toxic display, then I really can’t see any value in any conversation with you, in any light, at any hour, on any subject matter.
I think you’re an unimaginative boring boy who can’t come up with things on his own to create common ground woth other people, so you resorted to a “lowest common denominator” username in an attempt to be a cool kid.
It failed.
I see you don’t like people coming up with examples outside of what you’ve made up in your putrid little imagination. Oh well. I don’t give a fuck about your narrative sorry
I’m holding a light to your hypocrisy, not asking for an explanation thanks
So if I start a 3D printing related community and I make it a rule that there’s no politics you think I’m a coward? Fuck out of here
Your username is toxic and you’re complaining about toxicity and I just want to point that out
Swear words are just different words, they hold no additional power I don’t know why people are acting like they change anything. Fuck.
Reminds me I haven’t logged into cgpersia in a minute
here have my DNA!
Literally absofuckinglutely nobody