Reminder that your are a lunatic. Use of tryzub as a national/statehood symbol dates back to about a thousand years ago, roughly to the Viking age.
Moreover, even the link that you quote doesn’t say what you say it says.
Reminder that your are a lunatic. Use of tryzub as a national/statehood symbol dates back to about a thousand years ago, roughly to the Viking age.
Moreover, even the link that you quote doesn’t say what you say it says.
Oh sorry, misread exactly this part. I’ve had great experience with ejabberd, maybe worth trying it.
Which flavor of XMPP you tried?
Of course, Temu is a secret CCP plan to fight unemployment!
Yeah, but that’s a hard fucking no. For example,
Temu is late stage capitalism cancer.
Yeah but that mushy past inside is giving me problems. Any hints on how to get rid of it?
Thermorectal cryptoanalysis.
Primo, I respect you and your point of view even if I find it wrong.
Secondo, first sentence is factually incorrect and there are plenty of evidence. In particular about soviets, for starters I recommend you reading memories of Zara Witkin.
Tertio, you find opinions of russians valuable, and simply discard reference to the half a dozen of Independent nations who (willingly or not) share origin story with USSR
Hur Hur Hur Russians good Putin bad. This argument aged like milk since before any of the commenters here were born.
Ok let’s try to revisit it again. Of all the countries that freed themselves of a Soviet dictatorship literally zero want back, or are building ‘socialist’ economies. How about taking their experience as a measure?
Full disclosure, I’m living in a Western social democratic nation and am horrified by the capitalist and/or neoliberal ideologies. I am of a strong belief that neither of opposite ends of political philosophies bring good and prosperity for ordinary people.
Large majority of Russians also want Ukrainians dead in a most fascinating ways. Weak argument.
Large, overwhelming majorities of Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians (hope it’s a word), Moldovans, Estonians, Poles don’t want to let USSR come closer than a shot distance.
Do you guys realize the world is larger than the memeverse and there are real people who lived under “socialist” governments?
Jesus H. Christ, all you need my dear is a holiday in Cambodia.
What if these are primary places where user generated content lives now? Independent blogs are as good as dead, and social networks are walled gardens, sometimes populated by self regurgitating robots.
Xylometazolinhydrochlorid 0.1%, we need Xylometazolinhydrochlorid 0.1%!
This is SEO foam of the sea of e-commerce.
What’s the difference?