I still think about the chicken sandwich from this place that used to be near me that closed more than a decade ago now.
Goddamn I miss that sandwich.
you’re probably an idiot. I know I am.
I still think about the chicken sandwich from this place that used to be near me that closed more than a decade ago now.
Goddamn I miss that sandwich.
Tangential, but Notion is an excellent tool for organizing a D&D campaign.
I have not ever used Notion for anything career or life productive, but boy is it ever my favorite D&D organizing tool
That fucking site is going to cause so much unnecessary strife and difficultly. LLMs are trained on real speech; that site is going to get is wrong constantly. We all want there to be some magic bullet or to pretend that AI is so easily clockable, but the simple truth is that it simply isn’t and all shit like this does is end up making people who actually know how to use “advanced grammar” (said sarcastically) like semicolons and em dashes have to deal with a shit ton of harassment from idiotic chuds who can’t comprehend that a real person can be more eloquent than “me like good thing!”
Let’s be real, this should extend even beyond piracy.
History is full of examples of companies buying patents for good innovations and intentionally burying them because they compete with or are too similar to the company’s offerings.
Think about that - literal pieces of human innovation, steps in the ever-evolving game of technological development… just buried for no reason other than because some company thought they’d make more money without it and had the capital to force the situation.
It’s gross.
We as a people should absolutely reject the idea that which has been brought into our world through the creativity of humanity should be able to erased by the greed of monsters.
Free knowledge, free humanity.
Epic: “Steam has an unfair monopoly!”
epic gets pre installed as bloat ware on a bunch of phones
Epic: “What? We never said we didn’t like monopolies, we just don’t like Steam being the ones with the monopoly!”
their “latest news” is solely articles about people being arrested for using pirate streaming services or selling loaded firesticks.
So just to be clear, the damage then is not from the actual piracy or due to any invasion from the source of the piracy, but rather 100% of the danger comes from the enforcement of piracy’s prohibition.
Yes, definitely sounds like piracy is the problem here 🙄
“Squidward flute” made me cringe so hard I almost passed out. God please tell me none of you are actually that lame
As I said in a other comment, I think “they didn’t live long enough” is a bit of misconception. I’ll repeat my comment here rather than writing it out again:
"So I’m no expert, so take this with a grain of salt, but it’s my understanding that while average ages were much lower in the past, this number is heavily skewed by infant mortalities and deaths due to preventable disease. As I understand it, the expected age of an otherwise healthy individual was pretty comparable to us today. More people died young, but those who didn’t lived about as long as us. So I don’t think not living long enough for skin cancer to take effect really jives with my understanding of history.
But again, I’m not an expert and the likelihood that I’m just an idiot who is wildly misunderstanding things is, frankly, high."
Source? This is my point, that I think we lack evidence for that claim.
I’ll say that I think if the situation was truly as simple and non-nuanced as you describe, I wouldn’t have any reason to be confused or uncertain on the topic.
But as stated, since even those who adhere to best practices seem to be at higher risk with compound exposure, I think your claim of simple acclimation is a little lacking. I think there is truth in what you say, but far from the whole truth and it is what is missing which eludes me as well.
So I’m no expert, so take this with a grain of salt, but it’s my understanding that while average ages were much lower in the past, this number is heavily skewed by infant mortalities and deaths due to preventable disease. As I understand it, the expected age of an otherwise healthy individual was pretty comparable to us today. More people died young, but those who didn’t lived about as long as us. So I don’t think not living long enough for skin cancer to take effect really jives with my understanding of history.
But again, I’m not an expert and the likelihood that I’m just an idiot who is wildly misunderstanding things is, frankly, high.
I mean I definitely see your point, but as I understand it even field workers are encouraged to use sunscreen and farmers and others who spend a lot of time outdoors are at greater risk of long-term damage, not lesser, despite this supposed acclimation.
Those make sense to me, but I’ll be honest with you, where I struggle is with the idea of sunscreen. How did our ancestors live outside constantly without any sunscreen but if I’m outside for more than 2 hours in the summer without it I come home looking like a burnt lobster?
I’m sure the answer is that I’m ignorant, or the “natural causes” of yesteryear were really just undiagnosed skin cancer or something, but I have to admit it does seem like a real negative adaptation here from the viewpoint of my uneducated mind.
Even when you aren’t seeing ads their algorithm is still controlling your front page, allowing them to push partner content that isn’t directly advertising but still acts like it. The differences between a commercial for Doritos and an episode of Good Mythical Morning titled “Trying Every Doritos Flavor” from the perspective of the PepsiCo marketing department are that people might willingly click on the GMM video and they probably didn’t even have to pay anyone for the video to happen.
Sure Rhett & Link may not have a partnership with Pepsi and are just innocently making content to give their audience (I genuinely believe this), so they’ve got no part in this becoming advertising, but you would have to be incredibly naïve to believe that Google’s algorithm isn’t smart enough to recognize that video and others like it as marketable content the promotion of which can be sold to PepsiCo.
Premium subscribers may not be seeing ads, but they are absolutely still seeing advertising.
edit: typos
The most effective science fiction is that which is only an arm’s reach away from current fact.
Yes Walmart is a shithole but don’t begrudge the people trying to make an honest living. It’s classist, it’s punching down at the wage worker by calling them a clown rather than punching up at the corporation for being a shithole.
Yeah I wish Vivaldi wasn’t Chromium-based, because I love all the bells and whistles of Vivaldi so much. But like, at the end of the day it’s still partly contributing to the Chromium dominance of the web, so I still have to default to Firefox as my primary.
I have never had a single conversation with any person wearing one of those wide-brim white girl hats which has made me desire to have a second conversation.
In some ways I appreciate that they’ve found an accessory to broadcast their narcissistic tendencies to others.
Remember folks, Reddit invented levity. Before Reddit “sarcasm” was just a Tuscan pasta dish.