There’s a fuel distributor near me named “Just Oil (and more!)”
Seriously though. If they aren’t just selling the hotdogs, what ELSE are they doing with the hotdogs. Seems like it could be inappropriate.
There’s a fuel distributor near me named “Just Oil (and more!)”
Seriously though. If they aren’t just selling the hotdogs, what ELSE are they doing with the hotdogs. Seems like it could be inappropriate.
You’re just making it worse.
I would have sex with this bumper sticker.
It’s not unless. It’s until, which has more implications.
What’s the difference between my ex wife and an onion?
I might actually shed a tear if I chopped up the onion.
There weren’t enough tik toks in the article
“Paging Mr. Zark. Mr. Zark, please pick up your nearest courtesy phone.”
You idiot, that’s not Star Trek. That is a very popular talent show with Ed McMahon from the 80’s called ‘Star Search’. I’d recognize that catwalk stage anywhere. Here is L. Skywalker’s first performance:
It is a berry cheesecake.