Just crouch down to simulate moving to a lower line.
John Doe
Just crouch down to simulate moving to a lower line.
John Doe
Age of Mythology. It’s an RTS game from maybe 20 years ago, although there’s a remastered edition that’s less than a year old. I played the original version and the story and gameplay are both really fun. The controls definitely feel dated and clunky to me now though. I’ve not played the new version but I expect it’s good too.
Specifically, you can play as Norse, Egyptians and Greeks with three main gods and nine(?) minor gods from each pantheon. You build up your civilization / town over several ages, managing your resource gathering and armies. Each age unlocks a new god with a new god power. Each god also has different mythical monsters that you can create such as jackals, hydras, wolves, etc. The original also had Chinese and Atlantians (Greek titans) as DLC, I don’t know if they exist in the new version
Back in caveman times, no-one had a smartphone with a torch on it to help see the caves. It was all done using flip-phones with just the screen lit up. Those poor artists :(
Genuinely cool shower thought though, I wonder if it’s true
You know most of the world isn’t USA, right? I’m sick of American politics, and while it is important to talk and mobilise against conservatives, I also don’t want it to be >50% of what I see here. Not wanting to see American politics doesn’t mean you’re privileged, it might mean you’re just not American.
(And also, people who are American and will be disadvantaged by conservative politics still might want to relax and enjoy their free time without having to think about all the bullshit that’s happening to them. No-one should be fighting for their rights 100% of the time, we all deserve some time to relax and have fun as well, otherwise what are we even fighting for?)
What if the word “warm” had more than one meaning, and wasn’t always referring to the temperature?
The one and only weird thing that people do online
That IP address is coming from inside the house!
Wait until you hear about this new thing called: one set of rules for rich people & their companies, one set of rules for poor people
That’s global warming for you
Dogs are small like dogs, but they’re pretty popular
Ah, I see
“old lady” absolutely is slang for wife. Also “ball and chain” which… yeah…
In case anyone actually wants to know a couple of reasons
A) It’s not fair that some people pay and some don’t. (Of course it’s also not fair that some can afford $70 on a video game and some struggle to buy food)
B) If everyone would pay then we’d all only have to pay $50 each, lowering the price for those that are paying $70 at the moment. (Whether developers would lower prices or just make more money is another question)
Bat’leth saber for the real tryhards out there
EDIT: I guess it would actually be called a light bat’leth
Dr House would like a word with you
You can take what you’re given and be happy /s
I’d assumed you’d read my other comment. When I do have both drives plugged in at once, Windows always does a disk check on every startup, which takes a long time and is completely unnecessary. Just switching which device I boot from isn’t a good solution for my computer
Hilarious, thanks for sharing!