Oh nice, didn’t know they were developing a new game.
Oh nice, didn’t know they were developing a new game.
That’s what you people would do, but my glorious group would be much more enlightened!
That’s when the deep philosophical questions are asked.
Then we would need to know how many CEOs you need to “not see” before somebody connects some dots…
That sounds strange, because they just filter out and don’t add anything. What does give me headache though are glasses that are too small for me. Maybe your glasses are just a bit too small and the increased pressure triggers the migraine?
Don’t forget that reaching the country threshold alone is not enough. We also need to hit 1 million petitioners!
So if you like the petition and you are a EU citizen, sign it!
I mean, I’m not an ultra fan, only a casual one and I dislike that. The whole over the top style of WH40k is exactly what was fascinating about it. If I want to play something with modern soldiers, I have Battlefield or Call Of Duty. I play 40k games for the absurdity of it. That’s exactly the kind of “I know better what the fans want” that most bad adaptations are born out of. Luckily it seems they didn’t feel the need to change too much.
But admittedly, I can understand that you don’t want to create something where you are pretty sure enough media illiterate idiots will not get that the fascists are NOT supposed to be the good guys.
Thanks for explaining your reasoning, I see it different than you.
Especially your comment regarding the LLM is where our beliefs differ: an LLM is the software plus the hardware, so in my opinion for sure if there ever is a “real” conscious AI, we know what it is made out of and that it’s the collection of programs that run on the hardware (we might never understand why that lead to consciousness, but it isn’t more than what was put in). So whatever that AI is, is defined by those two things. Same as we humans are defined by our nerve system and brain. Take parts of it away and it changes the whole (=brain damage, trauma, drugs, etc.).
Especially drugs and their influence on our minds are a big reason why I’m strongly in the “it’s all physical” camp. Taking drugs changes the minds of people while those drugs are in the system. That people feel their thinking change, is proof for me, that it’s all physical, since it can be influenced by physical means, e.g. drugs.
Now we both stated our beliefs, but I don’t think we will get a real answer in the close future and I don’t think we will convince the other person, so thanks again for explaining your reasoning.
What is the reasoning that you believe that your consciousness can’t arise out of physical matter?
Oh for sure, that might be the case. But everything already written in some holy book or told in some ritual now definitely lacked those sophisticated machines, making all their content moot and you can safely disregard them.
So due to the lack of any information, you can’t prepare and therefore can’t expect anything. So it’s better to be good for its own sake, then trying to appease some bronze/iron age divinity.
Those two aren’t mutually exclusive.
In fact, Pyroceram is according to Wikipedia a glass-ceramic.
It is a glass which has a special composition and was heated so much, that it loses some part of its glass character but retains some other. So calling it a glass is not wrong.
Oh, that might explain it then. Strange that the glass blower didn’t know that.
Pyrex is fraud!
I bought two Pyrex bowls and went to a glass blower to get them modified. The first one shattered and the glass blower then looked at both of them under polarized light: they both showed strong signs of internal stress. The glass blower was really angry and accused the producer of cheating, because the color was also a slight green, which meant iron was in there, which should not be the case. According to the glass blower in the professional line Pyrex seems to be worth something, but for normal customer? Not really.
You know, it’s almost like politics affects everything. Strange thing that.
I don’t want to debate politics everytime myself, but the fact stays that at the end of the day, everything is political
You are Legion?
Every fairy tale with a good king/queen/princess/prince?
Or One Thousand and One Nights has the king killing his wifes left and right, but by the end it’s alright, because he really loves his current wife now…
Since you are asking for cautionary tales, The Fisherman and his Wife might a better fit. Just be glad of what you have and don’t strive for advancing.
Meh, the mobile phone port they sell on steam is not comparable to the original, but you are right on the principle.
Well, that is a very open ended question.
My thoughts on emulation is that it is an absolute necessity in order to preserve the history of gaming. However, it will also probably always be a grey area regarding copyright. Especially with emulation of current gen I find it not okay, since the original creator still earns money with it. But if a game or console is not sold anymore? Nobody loses money from me using an emulator to play Chrono Trigger with save states and increased game speed to make the farming and boss fights easier.
I would respect that as a kind of performance art.