Dj Sad Man Insane!
Dj Sad Man Insane!
Trump winning would have major ramifications for people outside the US also.
This is the same tone set by the people who whined that we were refusing to vote for Gore and oh look Nader didn’t win Bush did.
Don’t forget that 500 dollars entitles them to 24/7 on call for life and 7 9s of uptime.
Each letter in a typewriter isn’t perfectly aligned and will be slightly higher or lower, this variation is distinctive to each typewriter.
True or not, this meme doesn’t make sense if you don’t know about it.
Nope, he’s playing with original hardware, the screen shot is a reference to what was a speed running bounty. There was a streamer playing that part of Super Mario 64 and he glitched straight up, if it could be repeated it would be a great time save for speed running. After years of investigation the community decided that it was caused by a bit flip probably caused by cosmic radiation. You can’t get that bit flip on an emulator.
I love that Newton had to invent calculus twice, because he was trying to teach it to someone else and they weren’t getting it, so Isaac got frustrated and threw the only copy of his notes into the lit fireplace.
I remember at least one Demonid relaunch that had no clear connection with the original, and looked like it was a Honeypot.
In the original book it was written as aluminum, the British publisher, got it wrong and the country has been saying it wrong ever since.
It’s fine until you leave your tablet out while you step away and come back and your keep has 500 new notes that are just drawings of dicks.
The breaks are inside the murder trolley.
Okay, Satan.
From the photon’s perspective data arrives at it’s destination the same instant it is transmitted, but that’s true of all photons.
Minions were created by Dan Povenmire, who also created Phineas and Ferb.
Nevermind it turned off.
OMG! It’s back, what do I do!
Most ISPs don’t do that, content owners do then send complaints to the ISP who forwards them to the user. ISPs aren’t going to spend money on losing a customer.