The charger limit got removed in this update for some reason
professional idiot.
I’m the developer of the Photon client. Try it out
The charger limit got removed in this update for some reason
If it’s on device, cool.
Pretty nice. But please change the shape of icon-only buttons to a real circle. icon-only pills always look bad to me
Don’t want to wait? Get Firefox.
I haven’t gotten it yet. I notice that google will release anything they announce months after. It took ages for the editing feature to finally appear in google messages for me.
I like the design of the quick settings but making quick settings require 2 fingers is horrible UX. I hope they won’t go with that.
Stutter on the pixel 8 was a very widely reported issue so I’d assume it was fixed
I’m on the android 15 beta and the performance is super good, even better than android 14 on my pixel 8. All the weird stutter has just disappeared
Why on earth does the YouTube splash screen on mobile sometimes randomly turn white??? At 2am??
I really don’t know why big companies like Google are terrified to make options.
You made the quick settings show only 4 options immediately. Your research might show that 70% of people prefer it that why. Instead of leaving the 30% in the dust, why not just make it an option in settings? Or even have custom layouts?
Why not add more lock screen options? Why not add options for the navigation pill? Why not make “at a glance” an option?
Even iOS is catching up in terms of customization and at this point I’d say it’s surpassed Android. I still prefer Android for many other reasons, but it has lost one of its main qualities.
It’s on device? That’s pretty cool
I would use that. I really hope they make it an option.
It’s shipping with the Pixel 9 by default.
Didn’t this already exist in the form of the call chip while you’re in a call?
It’s just for receiving, like aliases.
fixed ive using rust for a while
Python is NameError: name 'term_to_describe_python' is not defined
JavaScript is [object Object]
Ruby is TypeError: Int can't be coerced into String
C is segmentation fault
Java is
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read the termToDescribeJava because is null at ThrowNullExcep.main(ThrowNullExcep.java:7)
type inference failed. The value of the type parameter K should be mentioned in input types
unused variable
Compiling term v0.1.0 (/home/james/projects/Term)
I think this will run on device similar to Apple Intelligences’s app intents.