Looks a bit like Freetube maybe?
Looks a bit like Freetube maybe?
Will he switch to not being a racist loser too?
“Death to All Jews,” Mr. Kjellberg paid them to hold up the sign.
If rich people can’t pay poor people to hold a “death to jews” sign without being label nazi anymore, what can the even do… Maybe he’s autistic. What’s next, you wont have the right to say the n word live or recommend a nazi channel to your millions of young followers??
The left is ruining everything, we can’t even do a roman salute anymore without not facing any fucking consequences.
Don’t use amazon.
People paid for Netflix?
Wine is so god damn great. It really makes Linux the best OS out there, thank you wine people!
Same but I think it will soon not be enough. I still cant believe it’s now so difficult to not be a google product, this is a digital nightmare built by decades of unregulated capitalism. Kiss my ass GAFAM.
In your PM!
You want it?
Sorry it’s gone…
Oh Fuck you Albert.
Call of Juarez in your PM!
In your PM!
Spelunky is in you PM!
It’s in you PM Mr. Lynch.
Baldur’s gate is in your PM!
In your PM!
Neverwinter night is in your pm!
Bandcamp to buy albums but if you really need a streaming service similar to spotify, Tidal offers better quality and gives at least 3x more to artists.