I swear, last time I saw it (yesterday) it hat 10x the resolution
I swear, last time I saw it (yesterday) it hat 10x the resolution
I knew both, but just learned what FOSS stands for from this comment section
I allergic to that. Is there an alternative called NiTriL, by any chance?
Both are nasty! One tastes like gooey mud that someone else had already eaten once before and the other gives you stomach aches and makes you shit uncontrollably.
Well, since those former colonies can’t quite work it out on their own, maybe they should just be brought back into their respective empires again? 🤔
Even then it would need a little more than the muskrats word to convince me that it’s not just something he made up lol
Sushi must’ve nene invented by a poor student
“Man, I’m hungry. What do I have left? Let’s see… cold rice, soy sauce, a few small chunks of fish from yesterday and there’s some seaweed growing in the fish tank? There has to be a way to turn this into something!”
Which isn’t to say that Sony hasn’t been actively trying to ruin their reputation all by themselves over the last 1-2 years. This whole console generation has mostly been about both companies getting just a little too comfortable and screwing over their customers in the process.
lol, I literally read the title in his “old woman voice” 😂
The meme doesn’t say anything about their speed though…?
Are we looking at the same post?
I’d suggest you read it again. Might just clear some things up for you
Everything’s a joke, but nothing is. Everything’s ironic, but also everything’s serious. Jokes are meant to make light of situations, but you can’t make them about serious stuff. It’s Schrödinger’s comedy, a true definition of Metarcasm: Everything real is satire and every satire is genuine.
Ah yes, another very “for the players”-move indeed
In what world is “It will last longer” an answer to “I can’t afford that”? I doesn’t matter how long something will last if people don’t have the extra money to spend on something more expensive.
🇺🇸 : So they can autonomously democratize some of the oil trapped in the Middle East and then bring it back home, too? 🇺🇸
Me: An ATV for the beach, a Snow Mobile for the winter and a Jet-Ski just because they’re fun.
Yamaha: Of course!
Me: Oh, and you wouldn’t know where I could find a DVD player?
Can’t speak for Guitars and Violins, but their drum hardware is top notch amazing stuff
Ocean “currents”? I ain’t never seen no goddamn “currents” in the ocean, boy. Have you? They just be sayin’ these things to keep us distracted from how their undloadin’ trucks full of illegals in are country to steal are jobs and sell drugs and live off of welfare!