Tbh i just wait a week and install the appropriate browser extension
Tbh i just wait a week and install the appropriate browser extension
My copy works just fine on the ps5. Come back when alloy can get over the uncanny valey.
Her model in forbidden west bugget me till I realised when she smiles she has the same face shape as Wallace.
1 for each hand
Your not missing much. Last time I looked at it there wasn’t much more than reality and chat blocks aka cheap lower common denominator stuff
It’s not even that. I have zero interest in multilayer games even less so “seasonal” games. Basically all the stuff AAA says is dead I like and all the stuff they say I should like I dislike
That’s cool games thar require anti cheat measures or have sports are generally speaking games I’m not interested in as a rule.
Place I worked at had 1 other architecture it was risc but not arm
I worked in resales for super computers about 10 yrs ago. For x86 based designs we flogged red hat
I’ll be honest. you’re better not asking https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakup_of_Yugoslavia
That would be the ones that shot us all in the face with brexit
The rich text editor my work uses in its product dud this 🤣
While they are looking to jump to something else they will get at least 1 or 2vyears worth of fees out of them
For those wondering it’s the bell in the tower https://www.parliament.uk/globalassets/documents/commons-information-office/Big-Ben.pdf
Oh god why did you dig up these repressed memories.
Your going to making me politically motivated enough to join the lemon party
2 simple words that poison a game for me sight unseen “live service”
And yes I will shit on them all
. In fact IIRC, the fact that they’re covering themselves up is what tips off God that they ate the fruit.
You mean the all knowing all seeing deity didn’t know about it until they got dressed?
You know I never thought to ask
I though yhe blonde spelling was just used for beer
At least 1 more