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Well the cheapest there is $2/month, but yeah for a single core I dont think I would be worth the effort to setup, let alone also pay for
Most rented bedrooms in my area dont even have built-in lighting. Its all floor and table lamps, usually on a smart outlet these days
Just fyi, Watts is a measure of power, and WattHours is power over time. So your home network and server consume 130w, which would be 130wh after an hour, or 3120wh after a day. The chest freezer would be 400wh in a day, rather than 400w in a day.
I agree with this. If you are going to be using multiple containers for a single app anyways, what is the point of it being in multiple containers? Stick all of it in one container and save everyone the hassle.
You must have shingled/SMR drives. They do not work well with any type of raid array.
My array of 7x12TB drives resilvers in a few hours, as I made sure I got CMR drives
No, but that is an option if you dont have the hardware to self host it. I have it on one of my vms on my server in the basement.
EDIT: I just took another look at the github repo and it kind of looks like you can’t just selfhost it, but you can, the main readme is just a little confusing. Click on the “Setup your CouchDB” link in the manual section and the selfhosted via docker guide is there.
You should take a look at the selfhosted live sync plugin for obsidian. It’s been working flawlessly for me for the past year.
And those projects will either never have Kavita+ features, or will die out because they do not get enough one time donations from people to keep up those features. The Kavita devs are litterally providing everything for free, other than things that cost them money monthly to run. You being but-hurt about that is nonsensical.
Alright, then while you contribute to open source projects dying out I guess I will continue being reasonable about it. Immich had a shitstorm around it because they used rather deceptive wording at first, Kavita is pretty damn clear about what its methods of monetary support are.
Also, there is nothing stopping you from hiding the button via uploading a custom theme which hides the button.
Kavita+ is for features that have an ongoing cost for the devs. They have to spend their own money for running the servers hosting the backend of the k+ features, as well as for access to APIs. They are not features that could have possibly been free.
Also, I’m not sure why an unobtrusive donate button is a downside to you…
Fair enough. I manage the same by backing up the vm its on.
Not sure I agree about proxy manager. Anything you need to access is in the gui. You can easily add advanced configs to the entries. Been using it for 5 or so years, and there hasnt been anything I was missing from using straight nginx before that.
You seem to be under the impression that the “buckets” in this case are all or nothing. They are talking about partitioning the drives and raiding the partitions. The way he describes slowly moving data to an ever increasing raid array would most certainly work, as it is not all or nothing. These buckets have fully separate independent chambers in them that are adjustable at will. Makes leveling them possible, just tedious and risky.
I dont know about mtls, but Obsidian with the Self-Hosted Live Sync community plugin has end to end encrypted sync between any device. There are a ton of plugins to make it capable of doing whatever you want. I have it syncing between Windows, Linux, and Android currently.
Proxmox is a hypervisor, which is an OS that is built to run Virtual Machines (proxmox also runs containers). It is open source and can be installed for free, just like any other linux distribution, the same way Windows is installed. There are tons of tutorials out there on how to use it.
From there, you could setup some popular containers, including nextcloud, or even install full OS’s in virtual machines to install software manually on them. It is a great first step, especially if you have limited access to hardware.
The 970 unfortunately doesn’t have h265 hardware in it. The only gpu in that generation that does is the 960, as it was released later than the others and was one of the first to get h265. I ended up just getting a p400, and it’s been rock solid.
Looks interesting! The ui looks miles ahead of NPM, so I might need to check it out
That looks really interesting! I will have to add it to my list to check out
I have always heard bi-weekly be every other week, and semi-weekly be twice a week