One of multiples R&D teams got laid off, an American team, not the main devs.
One of multiples R&D teams got laid off, an American team, not the main devs.
The CEO salary will also get a 30% cut right? Right?
We might be living the final moments of not being terrified what the US President is going to do
Come on dude… I live with that since I can understand the world, US can introduce democracy to my country in any moment doesn’t matter who is the fucking president.
Good luck trying to PR like this garbage is useful to the end user, you gonna need it.
Wow, looks sick.
Mozilla should spent money to advertise(Is this right? I don’t know verbs fuck) a flaw in Chrome? It’s not like the public cares about it.
hahahaha best advice ever.
More importantly the biggest difference is Brave want to be like Google, is the goal of the company. Mozilla is funding the project in the shittiest way possible but is not the end goal.
Why people always forget the simple:
Switching Google to Brave is not an upgrade is a sidegrade.
I tried Lutris, Steam and Bottles, the bug with mods on DAI for what I understand is because the EA crap App doesn’t recognize launch options like Steam does so anything that depends on it doesn’t work, I don’t know why but with the Steam version you can pass I think was GAME_DATA_DIR option and Steam launches the game with the mods.
The bug on DA2 is probably EA not giving a shit with older games, the DAI, ME Andromeda and ME Legendary Edition doesn’t have it.
Extremely annoying have to pirate a bought game because the pirate version works better.
I’m starting a full playthrough of Dragon Age.
If you gonna play the 3 games I can give some advice and some sadnews.
DAO is the oldest but works quite well on Linux, not a single problem.
DA2 need the fucking EA App crap bullshit to run, even on steam. Because of that crap I had a lot of problems with alt + tab, crashings, resolutions bug. To fix it I need to enable virtual desktop in the wineprefix with my monitor resolution, after that everything went smooth.
DAI again the stupid fuck EA App. If you are in the same situation than me: bought the game on Origin, not on steam, I have some bad news about mods. FrostyMods just doesn’t work and is the EA bullshit problem. With the steam version someone made a patch for linux and looks like it works.
Nothing new in the helm of browsers. Pockets is a extension baked into the browser.
Many browsers have VPN/Ad Block native to the browser. Opera GX have all that bullshit that surprising can deceive a lot of normies to use it.
Sadly this type of bloat sells as “features” to some people and Mozilla gains users with it. Btw I’m not defending this practice I just seeing for what it is, marketing.
I never said they should trust. But if they trust Mozilla with the telemetry/pockets/whatever they put on the browser this one is just like the others.
Fakespot is from Mozilla, if you trust Mozilla, why don’t you trust Fakespot?
And why is it useless? With the amount of fake AI reviews an AI to detect them is not completely useless.
But the popup is annoying.
If I need to say the names of the pokemons I’ll forget something like Tangela, but if I see the image of the pokémon I can remember the name. Things get fuzzy at the same time that I stop watching the anime.
It was so simple, just approve the merge. Oh well.
I worked for a company that Deloitte had contracts with. I thought they were shit only in Brazil but it looks like they are worldwide.
God is dead
Bad RPG elements: there’s a lot of dialogue choices that’s is “Yes” but worded differently, kills off-screen previous relevant characters of the franchise, butcher some characters(Morrigan), disregard previous choices of the older games(the main selling point of DA for a lot of people), change tone, art direction and combat mechanics(is more action oriented instead of tactical). Basically a lot of DA players doesn’t like the changes.