yeah, and you always can fall back to your clean, untouched installation :-)
Ah yes, the famously communist Russian Federation. The RF is nakedly an imperial fascist regime that doesn’t even have communist window dressing, it boggles the mind that self-proclaimed communists and anti-imperialists support them.
yeah, and you always can fall back to your clean, untouched installation :-)
there is one company (paragon software) that sells ext2/3/4 (full access) and btrfs/xfs (read access only) drivers for windows, which worked pretty good for me, and they have a demo version for 7 days. price for consumer licences are about 30€. i didn’t try putting my steam library there tho, so your milage may vary.
But i would recommend what i did a few monhst ago: after 3 days with nobara 40 i just deleted my windows and the few programs that don’t work under linux now live in a VM; my mouse/keyboard software for creating macros only works under windows, but the profiles themselves are stored on the devices so they still work under linux.
I just love the BTRFS features like deduplication - its great for modding large games, saves huge amounts of disk space, and the merging of disks into a single drive in raid0 configuration is super easy and has great performance. NTFS feels just slow and sluggish in comparison.
OT: You reminded me that i never watched seaquest more than a few episodes and i will have to do that now. does it still hold up for someone who loved TNG and Voyager?
you might wanna take a look at https://everynoise.com/ and the side projects under https://everynoise.com/nrbg.html and https://everynoise.com/curio.html - it’s from an ex-spotify employee. he also explains why the spotify-genre search has gone to shit - they replaced the human-curated genres with ML-learning based genres, which isn’t great.
For everyone who doesn’t want to read the links: important to note is that had the french activist accessed his protonmail account using any vpn (including proton) or the protonmail .onion site, they would have had nothing useful to report. also, it looks like they only logged the IP after being ordered to monitor access to the mailbox.
It also seems that they were quite frustrated that they couldn’t resist in this case, mentioning the inappropate usage of anti-terror laws against what in reality were squatters (which in turn compelled the swiss judges to grant the monitoring).
was gonna say, no such guide can be considered complete without fmhy; i wouldn’t send them to repackers, since every pirate desires different types of treasure (even for games it depends on the system, someone might look for the games he played on the psx in his youth)
Thats actually pretty helpful, thanks!
if the small text isn’t an UI thing where you have to be able to read it while doing something else in-game (like reading lore or item stats), the steam deck has a button chord for a magnifying feature (Hold Steam button + L1 for default, but can be mapped as a toggle to one of the back buttons or wherever you like) which is enough for a lot of titles.
I for my part would rather like to use the microwave for Hi-Power WiFi (and you can hold a bag of popcorn into the datastream for nutrition too!)
I’m using Niagara now for 3 months, and i couldn’t be happier. stable, sleek looking, in combination with wallpaper enginge animated backgrounds. i find everything on my phone very fast and it never annoys me.
That gave a really nice overview for someone who hasn’t had to dabble in IPV6 yet, thanks!
catbox is great, and i learned a few days ago that they also have a service for temporary uploads (max. 3 days, 1Gb) at https://litterbox.catbox.moe/
Yeah, one of the best examples of this is the Vienna public transit network. About 1000 vehicles (bus, tram, light rail, subway) in service at rush hour, a daily total distance of over 200000km traveled, more year-long ticket owners than car owners in the city, and about 2 million “travels” per day, which is about 30% of all traveling done over the city (including pedestrian and bike traffic)
If that traffic would be routed only by car, the city would be a giant parking space; to compare, one subway train carries about 900 people in rush hour, which replaces 790 cars (avg 1,14 persons per car here). the subway interval in the rush hour is about 4 minutes. i live at one of the subway final destinations, which is on one of the far ends of the city - and i can be at the other side of town in about 25 minutes.
And constructing and running a public transit network is a pretty nice boost to the local economy, creates a whole lot of jobs. sounds like something a lot of us cities could make use of.
Mixed traffic works here, it allows mobility for all social classes (yearlong tickets cost 365€, so about 400$ incl. taxes), nearly all stations are barrier free.
Some posts look a bit off, like being not verbose enough for the topic or question; a few have logical mistakes in them, but most of the GPT3 posts are not so far off from a typical reddit thread - i don’t think that this stuff is filterable in any way. Lets implement it lol
Mediabiasfactcheck.com puts them into the “Left Bias”-Category
Lemmy Frontend called Photon:
I wanted to swap to Pop!OS a few months ago, but since i’m an Nvidia user, I am waiting until Wayland plays nice with Nvidias drivers regarding explicit sync and everything gets rolled into Pop!OS.
I always was a Windows user because games, but with ProtonGE the “games” argument started falling flat, and MS is getting more and more intrusive. I do like VRR and Multimonitor setups tho, so X seemed like a poor choice, and Wayland/Nvidia is just not ready yet.
For everyone in the same boat, just keep an eye on this link: Explicit GPU Synchronization for DRI3, Present, and Xwayland
I’m using a MSI Force GC30 V2, currently per usb, but it comes with a 2.4GHz adapter that works on the OG Steam Link, so it will probably work under any linux distro. XBox Layout, great battery life, shutoff is ca. 5 Minutes. Only drawback is the integrated battery, but i have not yet experienced much of a reduced battery life over the last 2 years. bonus: can be switched to an Android-compatibility mode for gaming on smartphones. costs 35€ currently, but the build quality is the same as the official xbox series controller (which i used exclusively before)