rather the nebulous blob of feminity that is a whole range of lived identities and expressions of gender coming together to say fuck off to a fascist is the thing I was trying to call sexy
yeah dude that doesn’t sound any less weird
rather the nebulous blob of feminity that is a whole range of lived identities and expressions of gender coming together to say fuck off to a fascist is the thing I was trying to call sexy
yeah dude that doesn’t sound any less weird
Not critical thinking, but confirmation bias, yes.
Yeah, I kinda wish Walz was the candidate instead, based on his progressivism and integrity.
It’s actually a pretty common sci fi scenario, I remember reading about it in a pop science book in school
I recently installed Windows Enterprise LTSC, successfully uninstalled Edge and OneDrive.
Jesus dude, how desperate are you for interaction?
Others have mentioned it, but to elaborate, Alcoholics Anonymous is not merely sitting in a circle and sharing your problems, but a belief system which requires you to submit to a higher power to move forward.
There are no far left politicians in America
Been playing this since like 2013, found it on github before it was on steam, definitely recommend.
I liked Homage to Catalonia
If homeless people go to prison in this country, why have I never seen one arrested?
this is selection bias, obviously
most on the left already agree
What a convenient way for you to deflect any opinion you disagree with, “you criticize society yet you participate in it”
Bethesda hasn’t really changed their formula, so if you’ve played Skyrim or Fallout 4 you quickly fall into the ‘quest marker->dungeon->vendor->crafting’ loop and the game stops being stimulating
The only way to be foreclosed upon is if you actively go tell the bank to foreclose on you
Bethesda once again being so scared of the player making a choice, so they lock down anything that actually changes the game behind a giant 🚨 ARE YOU SURE??? 🚨
Learning programming before higher level English has created a strong distaste for that convention.
No I mean you’re drawing a distinction between “pagan deities” and the Abrahamic God as if there is any difference, as if “pagan” beliefs were somehow more original or pure
At some point the abrahamic god is a pagan deity
People realized they could just watch porn
Cayenne goes on everything