You could just wait
You could just wait
I still donate to … uBlock
From https://ublockorigin.com/:
The uBlock Origin project still specifically refuses donations at this time
Who are you giving money to?
Ridiculous. This line is clearly gay.
I am always saying this. And that medicare for all/socialized healthcare is the moderate position. The extreme position is that terminal patients should be tasked with spending their precious last moments of life navigating the private insurance bureaucracy.
If reacting to something always makes it more likely to occur, you have just made reacting to things Elon Musk says more likely to occur.
Let’s see… the upvote arrow is off, so I turn it on, and just walk away!
Hello. I am the neighborhood tailor, as I am sure you recognize.
Yes, it’s a different franchise, but it’s what it made me think of.
Oh I thought they were done with 11
That’s not enough proof. You have to ask him if he’d stop an in progress genocide and if he says no, you’re good.
I mean even C++11 is a significantly different creature from OG C++. C++23 will have monadic optionals; maybe a future release will have generalized monads.
I use MakeMKV for ripping dvds and blurays (although honestly unless I really love the source material and want the highest possible quality I just download it).
They seem to have an active forum, that might be a good starting place.
I’m not.
A highly profitable company like alphabet/google has enough money to hire people to say the things you are saying, and in fact they do. You can let them defend themselves, they will be OK.
You know you don’t have to shill for corporations, right?
If it’s still popping up you might try going to settings, clicking the “Filter lists” tab at the top, then enabling some of the filters under the “Annoyances” section.
https://ublockorigin.com/ (this is imo the best ad blocker, but whichever you choose uninstall any others)
It’s truly wild how hard of a heel turn mozilla has taken. I’m going to cancel my recurring donations to them, and get off all of their products.