They are saying now it was a glass fragment. Story keeps changing.
Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.
They are saying now it was a glass fragment. Story keeps changing.
You saw a face with red liquid on it I will admit that much. What that liquid was or how it got there is not something I have evidence for.
Liquid smoke has warning labels on it
Clearly. They must have hid the Mad Max dystopia from me. Excellent job. I am walking around Victoria thinking it’s a cute mini-Seattle and really they started BBQing humans babies for food when I turned around.
Your previous comment. I am sorry that wasn’t clear. Let me know if you need assistance on any other issues.
Really into forcing your ideas onto others
Lot of assumptions in your comment about someone you have not met.
Odd I was in B.C. about a month ago. Seemed like civilization was still operating there.
Why don’t fat people hit the gym and eat salad?
I wasn’t trying to talk smack about you or people like you. I was referencing the correlation between people with big social circles having a lower rate compared to people who do not.
And yet I get it. I would rather have 5 or so people I would do anything for compared to 50 people who sorta like me.
100 billion humans have lived so far. Maybe the souls got sent into storage?
“Shit this one was so lonely it killed itself early”
“Hey I got an idea let’s keep it away until there are a lot more people around. That way it won’t be so lonely. It will have some friends”
In a long enough timeline the world will have a 10s of billions of people with an average density of Hong Kong full of the most introverted depressed humans of all time. On the bright side those humans won’t fear hell
The book of sixes (A.N. on the pali language English society) is a pretty painful read but it goes through it pretty well. Or you could start with the heart and diamond sutra
Arguably Siddharth’s concept of karma was more of a physics thing than a moral thing. He made friends with the low of society and talked smack about the priestly caste. Believing in rebirth and at the same time not accepting that punishment here is for sins of the last lifetime.
Karma is deed done. If I break your farm you don’t have food. That’s karma. That doesn’t mean I get punished for what I did that doesn’t mean you get a reward to make up for it.
Well presumably there are a finite number of souls since the celestial powers that be fight over them and there is not much point in fighting over an infinite resource in a domain that is outside of our sense of time.
Which would mean that as earth time goes on the population would be more and more those that commit suicide. Introverts and depressed people. Might explain some of the data we are seeing.
Sure it makes sense. You got some dairy making way too much milk, how are you going to get it around the world? The fuel spent is worth a lot more than you would get for selling it. Plus it has to be kept cold. That’s why all the cheap food we eat is made pretty close by and if you are getting something imported chances are it costs more. And that doesn’t even get into what if the place is unstable which would add more costs.
The shit thing is the very people who need food the most are the ones who can’t afford it.
So yeah the food is there but getting it where it needs to be is the tricky part.
What are animals that mess up bees, for 400?
Can’t keep the story straight. First it was a bullet and since no one is buying that it becomes a glass fragment from a magic bullet.