It isn’t rude to examine religious texts, myths, and traditions from an academic viewpoint, however.
According to World History Encyclopedia, the story is adapted from non-Israelite, near eastern myths.
… the concept of a “garden” of a god(s) was a very common metaphor in the ancient Near East of where the god(s) resided. For the narrator of Genesis, the “Garden in Eden” was imaginatively constructed for an etiological (origin or cause of things) purpose, not as a divine residence, but of the first man and woman on earth – Adam and Eve. As generally accepted in modern scholarship, Genesis 1-11 is labeled as the “Primeval History,” which includes mythologies and legends that were very common not just in Israel, but throughout the ancient Near East. These myths and legends are not Israelite in origin but were adapted by the biblical writers for either polemical or rhetorical purposes.
Totally agree. Have been there and done that quite a few times too.
I mean motion is all relative anyway, right? So would teleportation be like throwing a ball on a train? That is, the ball’s motion depends on the frame of reference. So maybe teleporting would work that way if it were actually possible.
This guy again?
wait… maybe I’m the twat. …crap)
Load average of 400???
You could install systat (or similar) and use output from sar to watch for thresholds and reboot if exceeded.
The upside of doing this is you may also be able to narrow down what is going on, exactly, when this happens, since sar records stats for CPU, memory, disk etc. So you can go back after the fact and you might be able to see if it is just a CPU thing or more than that. (Unless the problem happens instantly rather than gradually increasing).
PS: rather than using cron, you could run a script as a daemon that runs sar at 1 sec intervals.
Another thought is some kind of external watchdog. Curl webpage on server, if delay too long power cycle with smart home outlet? Idk. Just throwing crazy ideas out there.
I was a sysadmin, once…Not for long.
Good to know. Well I have 16G now that should give me plenty to spare.
I will have to try that once my ram upgrade gets here.
And yet courts making stupid rulings surely predates him? (Even if that example does not)
Emacs for coding. Fight me.
Jesus that sucks so much. It looks like you have a solution for now but I bet there are some folks here and elsewhere who would be all in on reverse engineering the shit out of any part of that system.
We are twins.
Naw, it just means everyone will have two Linux computers!
Love Stellaris but fuck everything about a subscription for dlc. Wtf people.
Hm. Rust sounds better and better every time I hear something new about it.
Idk what you’re into buddy
but I like it.