Would you evaluate the contents of the wikileaks leaks if they had released an equal amount of dirt on Trump?
Would you evaluate the contents of the wikileaks leaks if they had released an equal amount of dirt on Trump?
We tried no zoning except parking minimums. The result was Houston.
Meanwhile, Dev of company C driving off a bridge, getting laid off after modernizing the 90s era codebase.
Which is a shame, because if I could create tangible loss for Ubisoft by downloading their games, I would do nothing else until they went under.
Between every single blockchain game being awful and Starfield and Silent Hill: Ascension, is there anyone who doesn’t translate blockchain/AI to garbage cashgrab?
Who is that?
Lemmy.world ‘preemptively defederated Hexbear as a last resort’.
IDK what Demetrious means, but polychronic means multiple fatal diagnoses, like when you have multiple stage 4 cancers.
They weren’t wrong about jellied eels being the only protein the working class could afford, hence why they stopped eating that crap as soon as they could afford anything else.
Beans on toast with ketchup on the other hand is as indefensible as percolated coffee; there’s easier ways to use those same ingredients to make something that isn’t awful.
We can infer that at least some portion of it is from your comment quietly getting downvoted to hell while nobody bothers to refute it.
Do they still teach that?
Nobody talks like that and they(singular) has been common since the 1300s.
That seems insane to agree to, like it incentivizes the company to fire people the day before their stock is fully vested.
We mostly don’t, neither do you.
Caliber is decimalized inches
Gauge is 1.67 over the cube root of the diameter in inches. Technically it’s derived from lbs since the number refers to the number of lead balls the width of the barrel you’d need to equal 1 lb. Eg, a 12 gauge is the width of a 1/12th lb ball of lead.
Supposedly the temperature salt freezes at, but it’s off by quite a bit. I’m not sure if it has any implications for staying warm in cold weather.
It’s based on how humans react to the heat, you need active cooling such as sweat, moving air isn’t enough above 100 degrees. 100% hot out is just a silly way of putting it.
Percent of how close it is to 100% hot out.
But in seriousness, 100 was supposed to be based on the human body temperature. When it’s above 100, it’s harder to cool yourself off.
It has never been literally boiling outside (except for when you’re in the middle of a forest fire or next to a lava flow).
Besides, Fahrenheit is more scientific because it translates 1:1 to Rankine, where 0 is absolute zero.
If it’s 0 F, it’s 0% hot out. If it’s 50 F, it’s 50% hot out, if it’s 100F, it’s 100% hot out.
It’s a more human measurement. Who the hell knows how long a kilometer or meter is? Everyone knows what a football field looks like and a yard is 1/100th of it.
Europeans acting smug like knowing how close to boiling the temperature is is more important than knowing how close to 100% hot out the temperature is.
The US created south korea out of thin air at the end of WWII, literally just drawing a line on a map.
Then they both held elections. The south’s election was rigged by the US, who used their sway at the UN (the USSR was boycotting at the time and PRC still hadn’t been accepted) to get South Korea’s puppet state recognized as the gov’t of all Korea, including the parts that didn’t even have the US’s sham elections. As preparation to invade the north, the US purged any non-compliant elements from the gov’t (going so far as to put compradors who’d worked for Japan during occupation in high ranking positions) and carried out massacres of elements likely to side with communists (such as rural villages that lead communal lifestyles).
The north saw America was coming for them and the longer they waited, the worse position they’d be in.
The evacuation ones were basically impossible at 8+, I was shooting down 3/4 ships and we’d still get overrun.