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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • Best way to do that is to be somewhat muscular.

    And even then, guys, really get your fucking expectations and entitlements and just like, take them and shove them all into a duffle bag, squeeze any fragile ego you might have laying around in there too, and just throw that thing down a well and forget about it.

    Seriously, if you can just “let go” of all the things you wish you had involving dating and relationships, and just learn to enjoy life and enjoy being around people, you will be a thousand, million times happier than the dudes who spend all their time trying and even succeeding to get laid when they want it.

    If what you’re doing is frustrating you and making you unhappy… change. That’s your greatest power, just change. Go somewhere else, change what you want, change who you are and be genuine about it. (When you stop caring, it also has the bonus effect of making you cool, and thus wildly attractive to people who get to know you.)

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAn alternate timeline
    7 months ago

    No, you don’t.

    You miss who you were when everything looked like this.

    You were young, you were discovering the internet like a new frontier, every new app you tried or new album you found or new comedy website was like discovering a new country. You could while away hours without responsibility or care or trauma, or at least nearly as much. You were not cynical and jaded yet.

    Nostalgia isn’t a longing for when things were simpler, it is a longing for when you were simpler.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlviolently cries and sobs
    8 months ago

    Kind of like asking if we can stop picking up stones and rocks and using them to beat each other and instead use them to build homes.

    This isn’t a new fight. There will always be people who take our tools and abuse them by using them to hurt others. That’s what we’re fighting against, people who use our tools to hurt people instead of doing good. Unfortunately, if we just let people who collect stones and sticks for hurting people be, and not push them out of our village, they will just grow in number and strength so we can’t just block it out, we can’t live and let live around those who would take your life if they grew strong enough.

    If it’s tiring and annoying to see people have to always yell at the club-and-rock-wielding thugs and throw rocks back at them, you don’t have to get involved, but don’t decry those who DO have the courage to throw rocks back. If they didn’t do this, the rocks would start hitting you next.

  • Seems like every billionaire has all these lofty goals and huge dreams to make the world better… but only if they get statues erected of them personally.

    So yes, we are not a mature enough species to handle power and wealth, we can’t even take care of our planet and all we had to do there was not pump poison into the air and we couldn’t even pull that off. Lets cap wealth at a hundred million bucks, tops, and then forcibly take away their money and build houses and gardens and water purifiers all over the developing world. There are probably fucking genius savant children being born who could solve all our problems, out of 8 billion people the odds only increase, but if the majority of these potential world-changing children die from dysentery and other diseases in vast numbers every day, then we’re losing talent constantly.

    If anyone was running the world like a business, they would need to get called in for a performance review, asap.

  • I don’t know, I think there’s more to be said for actual experience and someone’s attitude more than education. Having a deep understanding of psychology can only help with analyzing issues and understanding people’s motivations, but there’s still going to be a disconnect from academic understanding of a subject, and actual experience and connection with a challenging area of learning.

    Or to put it more simply, in my last job as a manager I hired two people who had psychology degrees or majors for a technical/data position on a team, hoping for the very same kind of understanding and empathy with each other that you would think an education in human psychology would provide, and those people turned out to have the most issues with others because of their own lack of real-world experiencing socializing and maintaining relationships with others.

  • Just to continue to throw wrenches into the preconceptions, let’s not forget that a huge part of what we consider success in the modern world can be attributed to emotional intelligence as much as spatial awareness and logic.

    A lot of CEO’s and people who climb high in the world are excellent at understanding how others feel and using emotion to communicate, share and inspire people to follow. Sometimes it’s the only thing leadership figureheads even know how to do. It’s also very, very hard to manage teams effectively if you don’t have a good understanding of how people feel at different times, how best to address those feelings and an idea how to manage the emotional atmosphere in a workplace. Yes, having good logic and reasoning is massively important, but rarely alone.