Is there a way to change the torrent client’s name\version so you appear in a list of seeds as Mark Zuckerberg?
human garbage
Is there a way to change the torrent client’s name\version so you appear in a list of seeds as Mark Zuckerberg?
I faced that only with different editions of Windows limiting it by itself.
As it learns from our data, no wonder it fucks up at regexps. They are the arcane knowledge not accessible to us mere mortals, nor to LLMs.
Don’t be sorry, that’s good that you are against commercial influx into our Fediverse communities. I hated it on reddit myself and I can get behind what you was thinking and why it triggered you. I just can’t help myself by word it like it’s an ad.
It can’t be a commercial if there’s no product lol.
It’s a thought I had in a shower. Why it’s worse than any post in the new here?
Codebooks, codes and use of ephemisms to describe scertain things are very, very ancient.
Using electric machines with sophisticated software can be tough to explain, but I’m sure those who used cyphers to encrypt their messages as far as 18th century warfare or even earlier can get around that fancy thing that also does it for them for they don’t need to memorise anything.
Does DSP mean we would be able to average\limit the gain on them? Some creators master audio too conservative when the others try to blow ones ears from one’s head.
I have no idea about what it can be, lol.
I’ve got my best uploads on niche stuff, like lesser known movies and albums because I’ve became almost the only seed on them. In a sense, I’m happy to share and see that such content has people interested in it. My opera uploads exceeded my porn uploads so here is that (:
If Sunset Overdrive by Insomniac is too casual and platformy, there are oldschool Quake games just remastered that can make anyone’s blood boil with a pretty okay difficulty scaling.
Steam being privately owned and somehow independent is probably a big factor in that I guess.
Idk one side wants to enslave, murder, and rape. The other does not.
Advocating for OP, that’s the learnt way they see how they can become comfortable.
It needs a skirt.
Even before reading the article I started to hear the sounds of UT99 gameplay and have chills.
Can I download my teen reflexes too?
Another person took a deep dive explaining that, but for me a little imperfection adds value and personality to a person or a product because I can
I liked these photoes too, but I found it also works nice if you extrapolate it to humans, to history, to nature, to the universe. How these little weird details make us remember things and adore objects and events in some way. It’s like pre-LLM critique of generative AIs.
And vodka-pizza-mattress can feel a bit personal too because it all carries a mark of a being living there and inviting you to see this part of their life when they are vulnerable, idk.
There are just four programs\games I like that I can’t set up on Linux or find replacements for various reasons and that’s impressive. I thought I’d be akin to a struggling refugee here but no, everything but niche stuff works fine and sometimes when it doesn’t it’s due to devs being dicks. Wine and now Proton communities aren’t the makers of the Linux kernel\OS\DEs themselves, but they are ones of the fundamental bricks to my personal certainity I won’t (need to) switch back to Windows.
I thought it was waaay bigger, like 10x times more. Dirty cheap, kids-friendly, lan-friendly with coop, you can sit idle and manage your pace etc. It’s not my fav, but it have very huge advantages over like most games and it shared a part of this minecraft fever. It’s weird it got to that point just now.
It’d certainly encourage me to up my torrenting game so this shit appears 24\7 at rather weird uploads around the globe.