Wow, you’re right, it IS like Revelations!
Wow, you’re right, it IS like Revelations!
Managed to stop fascism? That was a collective effort, but ok. Stop totalitarian dictatorship? Not at all.
I think that would be great - if people were incapable of lying. As it is, the candidate with the most people-pleasing program (true or not) would win and you wouldn’t be able to check their past activities to see whether they’re trustworthy at all.
At first I read it as “Sorry to be a brother…” It’s hard to be a sibling sometimes.
I thought the point would be a depressed and self deprecating “I’m something of an Intel CPU myself”.
All Olympics are Sweat Olympics
I think pre-melted means melted in advance, not the state before melting.
This one made my day. And I’m glad I scrolled back to find the coincidental poetry mentioned below and noticed the username 😆
Yeah, but each of them uses a different name. If you counted the frequency of the names, you might find out that Dog and Cat are among the common ones.
It’s hard to satisfy you.
So perhaps we could name our moon Cat, or perhaps Felis, you know, for the symetry.
Not really. Babies have brown fat as default. Adults have white fat which can turn brown in response to cold exposure (not as much as in babies, so it’s also called beige fat). Brown of beige though, it works the same - there’s a high count of mitochondria in the cells and the tissue can produce heat and make you feel (and be) warmer. It also helps with weight loss, stimulates the immune system and lowers inflammation.
The Flash is not MCU. The rest is true.
Fortunately, we’re doing our best to make our life conditions harder in the future and possibly to lower the population as well!
Of course, there can be other sets of conditions that lead to kindness win. Like probably heavy cultural persecution of selfishness. The conditions can also be pretty complex. I wonder whether those things have been studied in some meaningful way.
Agree - comic sans would be chef’s kiss. (Btw I think this is a great AI usecase.)