I am still using ccam with satellite dishes ,there are “providers” where u can buy cheap decryption keys. Did I miss something in time?
I am still using ccam with satellite dishes ,there are “providers” where u can buy cheap decryption keys. Did I miss something in time?
Well yeah that’s true newpipe suffer from same problem
RiMusic Innertune Also players for YouTube music and don’t require account
Seal GUI android frontend for yt-dlp and can convert to mp3 https://f-droid.org/packages/com.junkfood.seal/
Just for future highly recommend to use this for future PDFs https://github.com/freedomofpress/dangerzone
What problem to use yt-dlp?
T launcher working fine under linux since it java just find and download it as .jar file
But i also recommend higly recommend
https://llaun.ch/en it was original tlauncher laucher, more details
Developer even publishing source code of his laucher.
But u need to download from ukrainian,russja,belarusia or other countries cause for most europe couries it gonna show DCMA banner from mojang,in other case it will load all files
U don’t need windows version of cs 1.6.Valve ported all cs to linux,so so find native 1.6 version https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5735662
Also recommens u to try project portproton for launching games,most of my games works with 2 clicks https://github.com/Castro-Fidel/PortWINE
If u get used to notepad++ very much u can use reimplementation of it which cross platform https://github.com/dail8859/NotepadNext
https://mk16.de/assets/docs/outproxies_in_i2p-english.pdf simple and detailed explanation as the same time
http://tracker2.postman.i2p are u sure? And also u can conbect to outside world with special proxy
Shadowsocks quite easy to detect and to ban there are exist solution out there ,such as protocols VLESS and VMESS developing by chiness dudes for bypassing chiness great firewall.
I guess portproton will never gain popularity…
Yesterday played in it.Pirated one version works fine since it’s doesn’t relay on any laucher ;)
TorrServer is a program that allows users to view torrents online without the need for preliminary file downloading. The core functionality of TorrServer includes caching torrents and subsequent data transfer via the HTTP protocol.
Android client
It’s able work completly in ram without need downloading whole files on disk.
Same question about Krita.Which i found better than gimp
Use vpn of other country, i guess owner of site have been reported by DCMA.it’s downloading fine from Belarus/Ukraine/Russian ip.
I recently checked ,it’s available https://llaun.ch/ or we are talking about different launcher
I am using both for enough long time,mutlidevice synchronization it’s nightmare in xmpp,also usual xmpp isplaintext.So when u wanna use encryptions like omemo so far not always guaranteed that ur encryption key will be delivered to ur new device which u connected.Also u cannot control sessions.So if u would be hacked u would not be notified,and u don’t have ability to kick out this dude session.But yes xmpp more light about resources and works faster for now.
about hardware u have two options here u need buy pci/pcie dvb s2 tunner card for example TBS6902 DVB-S2 Dual Tuner https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/TBS6902_DVB-S2_Dual_Tuner_PCIe_Card or buy android tv box with s2 connector i am using mecool kiii pro then u need emulator of “card” which normally inserted inside tv boxes or TVs to decrypt channel source there are many emulators i was using wicardd and oscam https://git.streamboard.tv/common/oscam . and software part to configurate channells itself if u gonna build reciver on usual linux then https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-tvheadend/ u will need this for windows there progtv/progdvb . From provider i am using https://zeos.online/ 1$ in month