old profile: /u/antonim@lemmy.world
Right, people shouldn’t inform themselves, we should all get our news only from online forums and blogs you politically agree with.
You mean here on Lemmy? I think they disabled them on reddit anyway.
That’s true, but organising and managing such a distributed form of IA would probably be a nightmare of a job. I’ve seen many people suggest that to IA, but they seem to be very very reluctant about the idea.
If we’re going to stick to ancient Greek references, one of these is closer to the modern day Augean stables.
Huh? The public can store data on IA just fine. I’ve uploaded dozens of public-domain books there.
If you’re thinking of American right-wingers and fascists who are currently celebrating Trump’s victory, I must say their view of the world is so dark, negative and pessimistic, that nobody could really describe it as utopia-like. This is a brief respite for them, nothing more.
If you’re thinking more abstractly, or of some very specific incredibly lucky people, then I guess it could be so.
clbottomt when the chtopt shows up [imagine this as that popular GIF meme]
Thanks. It’s a part of history I know very little about.
I meant the “for over a hundred years” part specifically, I bolded it but it’s not as noticeable as it should be.
the US a terrorist nation for couping democratically elected leader in favour of dictators for over a hundred years
Is this really true?
That might depend on where you live, but generally no, I think.
This one? I’ll definitely give it a try.
FYI, there are multiple methods to download “digitally loaned” books off IA, the guides exist on reddit. The public domain stuff is safe, but the stuff that is still under copyright yet unavailable by other means (Libgen/Anna’s Archive, or even normal physical copies) should definitely be ripped and uploaded to LG.
The method I use, which results in best images, is to “loan” the book, zoom in to load the highest resolution, and then leaf through the book. Periodically extract the full images from your browser cache (with e.g. MZCacheView). This should probably be automatised, but I’m yet to find a method, other than making e.g. an Autohotkey script. When you have everything downloaded, the images can be easily modified (if the book doesn’t have coloured illustrations IMO it is ideal to convert all images to black-and-white 2-bit PNG), and bundled up into a PDF with a PDF editor (I use X-Change Editor; I also like doing OCR, adding the bookmarks/outline, and adding special page numbering if needed - but that stuff can take a while and just makes the file easier to handle, it’s not necessary). Then the book can be uploaded to proper pirate sites and hopefully live on freely forever. Also there are some other methods you can find online, on reddit, etc.
Produce infinite copies of bread loaves, and then get arrested because the baker lobby doesn’t like that.
Yes, it’s https://t.me/library_genesis_libgen_bot
Why they were down, you mean? In their TG channel they mentioned a cyberattack, that’s all I know.
True, the .li domain was still fine.
There’s also Anna’s Archive, which I use primarily, since it provides downloads not just from their own db, but links to Libgen and other places where the given book is available.
Most domains (other than .li) were down for several days, making people worried it’s gone for good.
Perhaps a paid app to track and manage your subscriptions…
When I upload a single half century old photo to Wikipedia, I have to fill out a relatively complicated form proving that it meets “fair use” standards. Internet Archive got legally fucked for allowing people to read their book scans without restriction for a while. And now these absolute cunts have the gall to defer to “fair use”! I really wonder if the same authors and publishing houses who sued IA will do anything about this.