Right who tf thought of this
Always a fan of professionally written shitposts
What a scam
Wait what I thought this was satire at first
America thought they had the funniest joke on the planet in 2016 and had to say it again.
Looks like Pixel 9 stays the odd one out by not releasing with the latest version of Android
This is actually pretty cool assuming that there’s a permission for this that I can toggle.
Technically misleading but realistically the only population it’ll affect are the Chinese who I believe don’t have GMS. Non GMS users outside China probably aren’t even a blip on their radar.
Also, how would location sharing work without a server anyway? And I very much doubt that Google would open source the server side implementation coz that’s how companies roll nowadays…
Him and Android 8 were best Androids.
It might fix your issue though
The feature may check whether you’ve dismissed a notification on your Android phone and then do the same on your Android tablet, or vice versa.
Lineageos on your… Wii?
This is ass
I swear man it’s the worst name for a widget ever
Inshallah a miracle
I bought a OnePlus Watch as a gift for someone because it has feature parity across all smartphones. Looked at the Galaxy Watch first and noped the fuck out because of the Samsung exclusive features. Idk why manufacturers do that because they are losing potential customers.
I think when they mean “extra reserved on the Pro models”, the mean both “Pro and Pro XL” and not “Pro XL only not Pro”. It’s written a bit weirdly.
On the Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 9, we note just 0.26GB (275,336KiB) of locked RAM […], a very small amount most likely used for some background tasks in the OS. However, on the Pixel 9 Pro XL, this leaps to 2.91GB (3,051,936KiB) of Unevictable and Mlocked RAM. Subtract out the Unevictable RAM from the Pixel 9, and there’s an extra 2.64GB (2,776,603KiB) reserved on the Pro models.
Does UK not use stone as a measurement?
This is mainly for HDR video lol. And other content like HDR Android games if they exist…? Why tf would you take one of your own photos 😭
Also I assume this would be useful if you want to take a screenshot of an HDR photo on apps like Instagram where you can’t send the actual photo itself or don’t want to link someone to Zuck’s all-knowing algorithms.