The setting works on Bluetooth or plug in keyboards where you use a dongle.
Edit yeah I think the dude that made the video doesn’t know that setting exists
The setting works on Bluetooth or plug in keyboards where you use a dongle.
Edit yeah I think the dude that made the video doesn’t know that setting exists
Boox has a few. I like mine.
Pretty sure you can enable sticky keys on any keyboard in the settings. It’s Android 14 and sticky keys is in the settings.
Don’t give the Adams brothers any ideas
We need a cells at work type of anime but about computers.
It’s all just a bunch of rythm dancing
Your asrock option should be good, you are concerned about power draw but the manual asks for 90w adaptor with 2 HDDs.
The Odroid has a more specific ask
– DC 19V/7A power adapter is recommended if you use more than one 3.5” SATA HDDs together
Your 90w may be underpowered in either case hard to tell.
Proxmox would still be useful for container management.
Does your budget include the drives you mentioned, or do you already own those? Do you have an esata dock or something already?
Oh I never looked at the two bay specs, good idea.
Synology specifically can run a bunch of services. Plex server is in the package manager. I use WebDAV and added it as a media source on the VLC app on my nvidia shields
The thing that you will struggle with, doing a roll your own NAS is that rolling your own is only going to be as reliable as you are.
I had a seadrive Linux server set up and I had a bunch of issues with accessibility and software upgrades because it stretched the bounds of what I was capable of. If I went back to that solution now, I would not struggle nearly as much and I would probably run two concurrent instances and transfer files between them instead of trying to upgrade the one live instance.
But I need something consistent for my wife and friends, so I did pick up a Synology 4 bay and loaded it with 4x 8tb drives.
With this thing, extra services beyond the Synology apps are much more simple to configure. Authentication is more consistent, even though I am not using the Synology sign in service.
The server hardware that was hosting Seadrive still has containers and VMs for a web proxy, pihole, my security camera server, qbittorrent-nox. I have a mikrotik router that feeds traffic back and forth.
If none of those things make sense to you even if you look them up, you should use a prebuilt. If you can make a guess how I’m using the things, you might be able to roll your own.
Pfff current I was brain-dead, yes.
There’s smart plugs that measure current, I have some Emporia plugs at home.
You mean parallel right
didn’t just cut out some harmless turn of phrase written into the covenant that actually has no racist meaning
I gotta say, because of the nature of systemic racism turns of phrase that are ambiguous or are explicitly neutral can be prejudiced or discriminatory is different ways.
We can’t rely on a statistical model to tell us what is infringing on right. We have to be critical.
Twenty years ago when I was 13, I started doing web stuff. This was back when everything was super simple, so everything to get a webserver up was super manual. I’ll mention port forwarding at my current job and there’s this slice of people that are 28-40 years old that know what I’m talking about.
That simply isn’t true. All it takes is one good cop to nullify the statement.
So ACAB is true, when you look at the philosophy of it and you separate the identity of the individuals from the job they do.
An individual can commit good acts, that’s not in dispute. An individual police officer can be fair to people and do a good job. That doesn’t make them a good cop, because of the things they aid and abbett through inaction. Holding bad actors accountable is required for justice, and those acts are impossible to perform or are penalized within the structure of policing. An individual officer can’t decline mandatory training that supports a militarization mindset. An individual officer is punished by leadership and the organization if they do try to create internal accountability.
So the structure of it means the only way to be good, is to decline to aid and abbett, which means stop being a cop. If the only way to be good is to not be a cop, that means all cops are bad.
For other absolutes I agree with you, just not this specific one I think it’s a bad example.
My shelf is also full…
I just pirate everything I want to read.
I bought children of time and the subsequent books on paperback and immediately downloaded epubs
Hmmm I just bought another of their tablets