i think that this has something to do with couldflare. because recently they seem to be using different DDoS mitigation .
i think that this has something to do with couldflare. because recently they seem to be using different DDoS mitigation .
this does the same thing https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett
this would only work if torrents get uploaded to more then one site if torrents have torrentgalaxy as there only source this will not do much unless they start uploading to other sites.
the bad part is that torrent galaxy is a source of torrents for other torrent sites.if it goes down other torrent sites have less torrents but sometimes the same torrents have other sources.
i think some people had some problems with it. but don’t know exactly what that was because i never had any problems.
yes only with participating servers so the network is a lot smaller like only servers from one provider peer to peer is a lot more limited and slower. usenet now is just extensions build on top of the original protocol like NZB files.
japan should just have streaming service for all there shit already instead of always Licensing it to companies in every country. if they keep doing it this way then there just doing it too themselfs.
if you use a dedicated device for torrents its more because its faster if you try to also open a browser when torrenting big files and its using all your bandwidth it just makes everything slower.if you seed and download a lot that can slow down everything else you do on that device.
its almost like some companies need piracy too exist so that they can keep leeching money of these idiots that keep giving them money to stop a problem that they themselfs create.
everything comes too torrents eventually its just finding it and if its on public torrent sites if its still seeding when you find it. start here https://proxygalaxy.me/
invest in a nas instead of subscriptions.
they get everything they deserve.
faster only depends on the server automation is easier too because it all comes from one central server. this also means its easier too shut down just look at all the Usenet providers that have been sued and closed down. downloads of torrents go faster the more people use it and download seed also depends on the internet connection of the people in the swarm. if enough people seed a torrent it will always be faster then a central sever that is bottle necked with how many connections it can handle at a time and is very hard to shut down because as long as one person is still seeding you can still download and you could build up the users of the swarm again. with usenet you can shut everything down by taking one server down and your paying money for it to so if this happens you also loose your money and then better hope you did not pay with a credit card because now they have your info too.
Usenet is old and centralized so a lot easier to shut down and is payed because you pay for server retention and access.
Qbittorrent just gives you options you can choose if you use qt 5 or qt 6 and the version of libtorrent.
i think the best part of tribler is decentralized search it could be better but if torrent sites used it to distribute there torrents torrent sites could never be taken down.
i think I2P needs better usability like what they did with the tor browser in the beginning it was a pain to use now it just works like a normal browser you just install and done.
i have it too maybe shared ip addresses. or some other reason.
i think they monitor the DHT network and torrents.
Im confident that plasma Wayland worked before but for a couple weeks now plasma itself is black after i updated. but other programs do start up and can be seen but because plasma is black its unusable. im just looking for when it works again.