Nice try, but this post is actually now talking about JavaScript, which means that the close parentheses areautomatically inserted.
Nice try, but this post is actually now talking about JavaScript, which means that the close parentheses areautomatically inserted.
Yeah, I had been willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt that this was all part of a big joke, until I saw that the rest of their blog postings are also just like this one.
More like a scratch you just can’t itch.
My services are so small that it is impossible to know just how fast they are running!
Poe’s law strikes again!
Nah, i rather be with an honest piece of shit than someone how “pretends” to be a good person.
On the other hand, someone who “pretends” to be a good person all of the time is essentially indistinguishable from an actual good person.
I wouldn’t worry about it given that Rust has issues binding to C++.
Linux user has been here.
How can you tell?
*sniff* Still smells like smug.
Thus demonstrating that when you combine XML and C++, you truly get the best of both worlds!
That makes sense. I had thought that you were implying that the quantum nature of the randomly generated numbers helped specifically with quantum computer simulations, but based on your reply you clearly just meant that you were using it as a multi-purpose RNG that is free of unwanted correlations between the randomly generated bits.
Out of curiosity, have you found that the card works as well as advertised? I ask because it seems to me that any imprecision in the design and/or manufacture of the card could introduce systematic errors in the quantum measurements that would result in correlations in the sampled bits, so I am curious if you have been able to verify that is not something to be concerned about.
If you are just measuring the quantum effect to turn it into a classical random number before using it, then how does that help you over a less expensive way of generating a classical random number for quantum computer simulations?
A related tactic is sealioning:
I prefer RAID -1, which is like RAID 0 except that you routinely yank one of the drives so that only the fittest of the bits survive, greatly improving the quality of your data!
Hey now, you should be thanking your teachers for this incredibly valuable early life lesson on the difference between what the customer says that they want and what they actually need, and which of these two you are going to get paid more for!
Remember: the customer is always right!
Not true at all. They started as a game bundler, and branched out into publishing games..
Also, all of their bundles and sales continue to feature donations to charity.
Is it just me, or this article basically just an ad, and not a particularly well written one?
You are probably thinking about Humble Games, which is a sibling company. Humble Bundle has been a multi pack sale company for its entire existence.
Ah, but you see, JavaScript is not so straightforward. It tries to help you by automatically inserting missing semicolons, but the approach that it uses is that it will insert them in the first place where doing so would make the code parse. This, unfortunately, means that semicolons are often inserted in places where you were not expecting them, so the advice is to always include them manually yourself so that you are never unpleasantly surprised.