Alright, will check it out
Alright, will check it out
Maybe slightly related, but does anyone know any good codec (beside FLAC) for ultrasonic recording?
I see. I’ve skimmed the docs and indeed see that it supports a lot of IDP with what looks to me some env var. And thanks for answering another question of what their auth library is since that is a lot to support.
Yeah, hence is-“number”. But we were talking about regex are we. A number representation can use digits but it can also not. Much like how you make a number using the word “elf”.
Alright, maybe you misunderstood the term digits with numbers. When parsing a digit, you do not attach semantic yet to the building blocks. A \d regex parser does not care that the string “555” is not equivalent to “VVV”. All it cares about is that there is the digit “5” or “V”. In the same vein, regex parser should not try to parse IV as a single symbol.
As I said, a digit is a symbol. Much like how we use letters to compose words, digits are used to construct numbers. When you start to repeat or reuse the symbol then it is no longer a singular symbol (what regex \d does). Hence my comments on why arabic script are one of the understandable debates since i18n is a valid concern as much as a11y is.
Yeah, but “elf” are not digits. Digits are a symbol abstracted from the language itself. Does 5 and V convey different meanings in the context of digits? And yeah, I can see why they would argue about the implementation because inclusivity is important. Especially when designing a language implementation. If you are designing it wrong, it will be very hard to extend it in the future. But for application level implementation, go nuts.
So the only valid digits are arabic numbers but arabic script numbers are not a valid digit? If we want programming to be inclusive then doesn’t that make sense to also include the arabic script number?
Hey, don’t kinkshame man. Just look at those stupid sexy v-bind
…timestamp is signed? Why?
Edit: Oh damn, I never noticed that the timestamp is indeed signed. For anyone curious, it is mostly historical as early C didn’t really have a concept of unsigned
Or you can use 100% with countdown and skip options
It would be weird for say, a 12V-2A PSU to not be able to source and sink 2A. The current direction didn’t change from the PSU perspective, only from the load. If you have multi-rail power supply, then yeah it may have different source-sink capabilities for different rail
Ahh, then the modification must be done on the AST level not the in-memory representation since anyway you do it, you must retain the original.
Hmm, maybe I am missing the point. What exactly do you mean by handling automatic updates in place? Like, the program that requires and parses the config file is watching for changes to the config file?
Until someone cannot tell the difference between tab and space when configuring or you miss one indentation. Seriously, whoever thinks indentation should have semantic meaning for computers should burn in hell. Indentation is for us, humans, not computers. You can write a JSON with or without indentation if you want. Also, use JSON5 to have comments and other good stuff for a config file.
Yep. Much like we don’t treat phone numbers like a number. The rule of thumb is that if you don’t do any arithmetic with it, it is not a “number” but numeric.
For NAT, there is apparently a way to traverse NAT. I haven’t tried it tho, but the dude has a lot of research on the topic (NAT traversal), so if that didn’t work, maybe others will
Yeah, but as you said, it is highly dependent on the implementation. Theoretically it is possible that the user is also seeding the previously downloaded/streamed chunk (via WebRTC for example if using a browser). That reminds me of a madlad that stores data on a ping packet (see suckerpinch channel on youtube, specifically his video titled “Harder Drive”)