No way any insurance company ever underwrites this ever and that kills it’s scalability, let alone basic implementation immediately. Like yes we need to solve the housing crisis, but thinking that salvation has any chance of coming from “tech bros” is laughable at best and wildly dangerous at medium worse.
Most large cities now have safe parking sites for people. Here’s just one of many examples: https://safeparkingla.org/
How is that being done with insurance companies and liability? That’s not a rhetorical question. I’d like you to answer it since you know so much about laws and insurance.
The showerthought requires a paradigm shift in thinking the same way renting out a room in your house or the whole house to stranger would seem weird pre-AirBnB.
Tech Bros invented AirBnB, and using your car as a taxi, and trusting strangers to handle your food.
You could have just replied, “I don’t think it can be done” but you had to be nasty and write “laughable at best and wildly dangerous at medium worse”.
I am not going to debate all the little strawmen arguments you want to make.
I currently live in my car and life is a pain in the ass. I see a billion parking spots where I should be able to park and be safe and enjoy a quiet night but I cannot park there.
Nearly every church has enormous parking lots that are just empty at night. You can’t park there either.
Fuck your naysaying pessimism! Fuck off I won’t reply to you anymore, asshole!