Bit of an interesting contrast with Amazon, who encourages leaking
Tap for spoiler
This is a pee joke
Bit of an interesting contrast with Amazon, who encourages leaking
This is a pee joke
Radeon Open Compute Mplatform
I already hate them for access gating based on unnecessary labour, and deliberately making access more cumbersome for people not using chrome and using VPNs
But what really peeves me off, even though it’s much less important, is that they don’t localise them.
Where are the crosswalks? What the hell is a crosswalk. How many trolleys in this picture? None, that’s a picture of a tram!
Secret out-of-court settlement is an option.
Also known as “bribing your way out of the law”
I will explain what this means in a moment, but first: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Birds aren’t somewhat related to dinosaurs, birds ARE dinosaurs. You can have a dinosaur dance party right now with a bunch of cockatiels.
“We leveraged the fact that many people know about the world and story of the original Final Fantasy VII when we designed the remakes,” Hamaguchi told me during the leadup to Rebirth’s release. “In this title, our general framework follows the original storyline, but at the same time we incorporated elements clearly not included in the original, such as the Whispers and Zack.” This creates a unique opportunity for a remake: uncertainty. “That sort of thrill is very important for this title as a piece of entertainment.”
We have a name for that, “reboot”. Or more cynically, “cash grab”
It is a legal requirement in Australia that ISPs record all your “metadata” which will reveal torrent activity. The bittorrent protocol necessarily makes your IP public to peers. Copyright trolls are known to leave bots as fake seeders and peers to collect IPs to mass report people.
Tl;DR: not a good idea
This maneuver may sound simple, but it involves an entirely new and unique code for which the researchers have sought a patent.
How to make your discovery worthless in a single, idiotic move.
They call out making spoofing harder, although they don’t specify how.
It’s a normal thing for people to sideload apps that are distributed through the play store - that’s exactly what tools like Aurora do.
You are right that they are up to developers, but that’s the problem. It should be up to users how they run their software on their hardware.
“Security” meaning “preventing users from using the devices they own in the way they want to use them” apparently.
If I read that right, the normal way. It’s not a special lock, just the normal lock screen. The use case seems to be addressing the idea of your phone being snatched while unlocked, and then attempted brute forcing into apps with sensitive data pin/biometric locks
Did you… try?
The entire suite of new TLDs was dumb as a bag of rocks, but dot zip really takes the cake
It’s amazing to watch the old, rusted machine of antitrust slowly grinding back to life, bit by bit.
PS/2 does not have a key rollover limit
The closest thing I’ve seen is Combobulate