The wiki entry has a chart which shows all plans have access to HD content. Is the chart wrong or did the contributor confuse SD with SDR?
Either way fuck HBO.
The wiki entry has a chart which shows all plans have access to HD content. Is the chart wrong or did the contributor confuse SD with SDR?
Either way fuck HBO.
Settle down, partner.
First thing I tried but I think you need to provide it with your YouTube login cookie to download age restricted content.
I use nginx for static websites and TLS passthrough servers.
I use traefik as a reverse proxy for sites with many services and SSO.
Nginx is definitely easier to configure for simple things. But I prefer traefik for more complex setups.
FBI, open up!
Jk. Thank you for your service
Compressed air can spin the fans fast enough to cause damage unfortunately.
Did you use compressed air to clean out the fans?
It’s possible to fry circuitry if you artificially rotate the fans too fast, as this generates an electric field more powerful than the fans and their attached components are rated for.
Probably rare to cause damage with modern computers but an old PC might be more susceptible to this type of damage.
Am I understanding correctly that if users had 2FA, the vulnerability would be prevented from gaining access?
I was in your position recently and decided to install PVE from scratch and restore VMs from backup.
I had a fairly complex PVE config so it took some additional work to get everything up and running. But it was absolutely worth it.
Same. It works great.
I don’t want to be too specific for opsec reasons. But windows 10 is the OS. OFX aka OpenFX.
Most important term to research regarding arr apps is “hardlinking”. Make sure you have your apps configur ed with hardlinks. Everything else is pretty easy and self explanatory.
I replaced the drives, installed the newest version of PVE, then restored all of my VMs from local USB backup. I had to reconfigure a number of things such as HDD pass through and other network settings, but in the end the migration was a success.
I don’t work in IT at all. My self hosting journey started when I got sick of feeling powerless in the face of big tech companies who are increasingly ripping off customers or violating their right to privacy. There’s also the general mistrust that comes from my data being repeatedly breached or leaked because share holder profits are more important than investing in basic security.
When I say local I mean automated PVE backups the same as it would be through PBS. If that makes any difference.
I have a remote pbs but the backups aren’t current because there was a connection error. I have Proxmox backups locally to a USB thumbdrive. That’s what I was going to restore from.
So I use Fusion360 for the technical building of components; framing, drywall, cabinets.
I export this to 3dsmax and flesh it out for archviz. Rendering with V-ray.
Unfortunately there aren’t any good options for pirating either of these softwares.
3dsmax and vray also have very steep learning curves.
There are also better alternatives than Fusion360 which include BIM features, but they’re insanely expensive unless you own a profitable architecture firm.
This is the way. Frigate just had a major update and the UI is now amazing.
Appreciate the thorough reply. Mind sharing which service you used to download your Spotify tracks?
SDR is Standard Dynamic Range. This is how most media is viewed and has been viewed for decades, typically in the Rec709 color space. 99% of consumer devices display in SDR.
HDR is a newer technology that expands the dynamic range passed Rec709 color space. It requires an HDR capable screen to display HDR content and most content is not distributed in this format, although this has been changing in the last few years.
I personally find HDR kind of a gimmick, but my point is that HDR != HD. SDR/HDR describe contrast ratios and how many colors are rendered. SD/HD describe resolution.
The chart does show them downgrading the plans from 4K/UHD to HD though.