I’ve been using it without but it’s been less and less reliable that way.
It’s a GUI app that runs on your local system and pushes sites to a server.
Well, as I’m coming in here, I see two “no’s,” a “maybe” and I came to say “absolutely fucking yes” because I’ve lost hours to a couple cheap shitty usb-sata cables that did all kinds of weird stupid shit that immediately disappeared after I replaced the cables. So, “maybe” but “absolutely fucking yes.”
Deleting all the S3 buckets on my way to the exit interview
Galaxy Nexus? Really? Mine lasted maybe 6 hours on battery if I did anything other than keep it in my pocket. Those early 4G days were rough.
This looks amazing. I’m gonna wait for pgsql support, but you had me here: “Otherwise, if you sync using Nextcloud you can use the AntennaPods app and your podcasts will sync between Antennapod and Pinepods.”
So much for once bitten, twice shy…
That’s a real breedable turkey there, Mom
“no money no problems”