Not ideologically pure.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024


  • Thank you!

    I would get a new hard drive, so the laptop would just be in charge of managing the backups. So if it fails it only needs to be replaced, but the backup itself wouldn’t be lost.

    And yeah, this is why I’m a bit reluctant to set up SSH access beyond the home network, other than of course my lack of competence to do so. I am fairly certain everything going on inside my home network is safe enough for my risk profile (holiday pictures, half baked articles, and shitty R scripts, mostly).

    But the not at home argument is of course a good point, and one that I knew about but somehow neglected. I want to avoid the cloud, but I think I will set up a separate backup at work. :)

    Thanks for the comment - it’s a really good checklist of things to be aware of going forward!

  • Thank you! There’s a lot of useful advice here.

    I don’t really need remote access, as long as backups are made when I’m home. I imagine it would be difficult, both because it seems difficult but also because I have internet through a 5G router rather than a more proper connection. But I’m also just happy to keep things more local.

    The USB concern is a good point. I’ll probably still go for an external hard drive, but I’ll keep it in the back of my head while setting it up.

    A NAS is probably not a good solution for me, also because I want to keep things tiny and lightweight. But just running a completely local solution might not be the worst idea - I was afraid I would forget/neglect to connect frequently unless it’s on the wifi, but if I channel it all through a docking station it would at least be able to back up every time I work at my desk. And if I set up the same system at work I can keep an external backup as well, which I somehow hadn’t thought about. Would solve the house burning down problem. Well, parts of it, anyway.

    Thanks again! I always tend to come up with very half-baked solutions for things, which is fun, but with this in particular I appreciate the opportunity to run it through others before making any potential mistakes. :)