How would it get past the captcha? EGS always has a complicated captcha
How would it get past the captcha? EGS always has a complicated captcha
I use a script I wrote that plays music from Bandcamp with probabilities based on liking/disliking songs and the albums Bandcamp recommends in association with the rated song. Wary about sharing it anywhere though as it’s definitely against the tos.
I’m skeptical the market is ever going to have principles, for every person that has gotten burned and become personally aware of shady practices, there are many more that aren’t aware and don’t have the incentive or ability to do research to find out. Seems like the sort of thing where the system is rigged in favor of scammers if consumer choice is the only regulation.
(if your id is stolen and you arduously go about getting a new one)
I thought I had lost mine once and got a new SSN card, they don’t give you a new number, it’s the same number
I think it probably is somewhat less than legal to advise people to break the law, but I like saying everyone should pirate everything so fuck it, they aren’t going to waste their time prosecuting me for that
I don’t usually like Meta, but here they used that data to produce open weights models available to the public. That sort of thing is what piracy is for so I support it.
The allegation in regard to TikTok isn’t ‘dangerous speech’
…On the very surface level, sort of.
Romney replied, “Some wonder why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially TikTok or other entities of that nature. If you look at the postings on TikTok and the number of mentions of Palestinians, relative to other social media sites — it’s overwhelmingly so among TikTok broadcasts.”
The allegation in regard to TikTok isn’t ‘dangerous speech’, it’s the platform’s collection of user data and the manipulation of available content via an algorithm that they claim is a tool of a hostile foreign entity.
If the US government really cared about collection of user data and manipulation of content, they could demand things like increased transparency and open protocols for social media. Instead, they are here requiring that the issue be redressed with TikTok being shut down or handed over to a company subject to direct US influence and control.
This is indistinguishable from an act of censorship. If the government is intimately connected with the people and companies running the oligopoly of services which control moderation of virtually all public discourse in the US, when it uses force to defend that oligopoly and eliminate competition that is not in the club it is abridging the freedom of speech, even if it is doing so through one layer of proxy.
Depending on what it is, publishing on i2p could just be a way to get it out there initially after which other interested parties would seed it elsewhere
Yeah I tried that but the separate quote blocks looked weird so I undid it
Ok let’s do it for real then:
Someone once said to me, "I have to go to the capital of the house, and please do not be wise for the vessel of the Beita. She said, “Wise, with a finger and a ram.” B’Tselem ‘L’ on her forehead.
Well, the years draw and don’t always stop Full of rules and I’m on the road There is no point in living without joy Your intelligence is wise, but your head is weakened There’s a lot to do, a lot to see What’s wrong with taking the hidden alleys? You won’t know if you won’t go You will not shine if you do not shine
Oh now, you are a star god Take the game, prepare a player Oh now, you’re a rock star Make a show, take a salary
Oh, the way I read it it seemed like they were saying perceptual hashes used to be easier to calculate
Why “no longer”?
I upvoted because I’m generally excited by the idea of software that lets you interact with different social media via one interface. Idk if the project itself is good but it seems like a neat idea.
Isn’t something like this why the price of oil futures went negative that one time? One guy booked all of the oil tankers so it was impossible to collect physically, and so people had to pay money for the oil to be taken off their hands
Sounds right, but again with the caveat, what are they being caught for? Being a healthcare executive at all? Some vaguely defined moral threshhold? What is it they are being taught to fear, and how disconnected is that from any actual intention? Like beating a dog to try to get it to stop destroying your furniture. And then consider that certain punishment for them isn’t actually realistic unless it’s the government imposing it. Vigilantes can’t get them all or probably even many of them.
The idea that punishment works is the concept behind our entire justice system
It’s one of the concepts, and that’s a big part of why we have so much evidence against it.
I’m pointing out that the usual and straightforward result of threatening punishment is that people stop doing the activity (or at least rethink it).
The idea that punishment works is for the most part an authoritarian fantasy, not reality, and this is backed by both research into individual behavior and collective behavior.
I wonder why insurance companies in the rest of the world can survive without fucking their customers over?
Probably because the insurance companies they compete with are bound by the same (specific, predictable, law-based) rules prohibiting that behavior. Probably not because they are afraid of angry customers with guns.
so I don’t see any downside if they decide to start sacrificing their safety and wellbeing.
It’s not that it’s necessarily a downside (though it probably is because people like that are potentially even worse to be ruled by), but you said there’s a mechanism for coercion by assassination to work here. This is why there won’t be; you will just get harder corpos.
That’s not strictly necessary, as long as there’s a general trend of risk increasing along with harm done.
It’s necessary because what if the risk factor is simply working in that industry at all, because of all the people fucked over by it? If regardless of their actual efforts to improve the humanitarian situation, executives are judged shallowly, there is no incentive to do anything except to quit and be replaced by someone who has more of a gangsterish disposition.
If enough CEOs were eliminated for the same reason, the rest might start remembering they have a duty to society.
…Or they could go the way of prison gang status, where the system selects its leaders based on their willingness to not only do violence to others but also sacrifice their own safety and wellbeing for power. That seems way more likely to me than CEOs suddenly growing a fear based conscience and throwing profits/shareholders under the bus and somehow still being allowed to remain in their positions.
And all that is assuming that would-be assassins are in general coherent and reactive to the relative badness of corporate leaders and credibly applying danger relative to harm caused, which doesn’t seem likely either; rationality and being a killer tend to not usually go together, even if this incident seems like an outlier just from its most obvious narrative.
For me I get prompted with a captcha on redeeming a free game, almost every time