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approach fire
Professional CMake: A Practical Guide by Craig Scott is an excellent guide to modern cmake usage. Well worth the $30 if you need to build, maintain, or modify a CMake project.
I think you should reconsider Proton. It seems to tick all of your boxes except US-based. However, I know they have US-based VPN servers, so I expect they have US-based email servers as well. It’s worth asking their support team about.
Do you perhaps have Resist Fingerprinting or Strict Enhanced Tracking Protection turned on?
I was never able to get videoconferencing sites working with any combination of those (on Linux), so I just use a vanilla Chrome instance just for videoconferencing.
Isn’t this basically how lisp works?
I think the glass doors on the refrigerated coolers that were electronic displays that showed you an ideal image of the drink or whatever was supposed to be inside, but you couldn’t see through them to see if there were any actually on the shelf.
There’s an Expedition going on for the next 6 weeks in NMS. It’s like a self-contained mega-questline. Start a new single player game and choose “Expedition”. They give you lots of upgrades along the way and you’ll see bases and messages from other players along the same path.
Ah, I see you’ve played No Man’s Sky, too!
Well, time to go watch Black Mirror again. You know, the one with the robot dog that hunts you, or the one with the quadcopters that kamikaze tap you on the head with explosives?
https://mbasic.facebook.com/ still works. It’s missing some modern niceties, but usable. That’s what I use for occasional messages.
Real programmers curl unverified shell scripts into bash.