Using a 3060 laptop, things are alright.
Having to prepend prime-run to all programs I want to use the GPU sucks. Launching games with the dGPU in Lutris no longer works.
Using a 3060 laptop, things are alright.
Having to prepend prime-run to all programs I want to use the GPU sucks. Launching games with the dGPU in Lutris no longer works.
What are you talking about? These controllers already “emulate switch pro controllers” right out the box. No additional configuration is required.
With Yuzu, all you have to do is set the connected controller type to Pro Controller.
Lots of them have finnicky issues. I made a video of the issues I was having.
Here’s an open github issue of someone with an 8bitdo controller having the same reconnect issues I was having: https://github.com/batocera-linux/batocera.linux/issues/9006
Sorry! The video was accidentally set to private. Thanks for letting me know.
I’m referring to gaming controllers. This one is specifically a generic PS4 controller.
This is the unfortunate reality.
AMD piggybacks on Nvidia’s scumminess.
The only trouble I have with my card is having to prepend prime-run to every program that I want to use it.
I’m not sure if AMD gaming laptops have the same issue, but if they don’t then that would be a huge benefit in their favor.
Every time I’ve tried using wayland I’ve had issues with it.
Thanks for the advice.
I’m using KDE with X11 on a laptop, so it’s probably not so easy for me to turn it of 🙁
Thanks. I’ve been using generic DS4s but they all have some of the issues I’ve been describing.
Do you know how to turn off the touchpad? It just gets in the way for me.
I disagree.
It is laughable.
Lol. There you guys go making up bullshit again!
Taken straight from their website: “This is an experiment to see if we can create a VPN service that is easy enough for everyone to use and that people will donate enough to sustain.”
Can you show me where it says they don’t want people using it for torrenting? Or are you just making it up to fit in with all the other people who don’t want to admit they’re wasting money?
Uhh, no. I’m calling out censorship for what it is.
If the mods didn’t want their abuse of power to be criticized, they shouldn’t have abused it in the first place.
No. People just said it’s not designed for torrenting even though that’s not true.
From their website: “This is an experiment to see if we can create a VPN service that is easy enough for everyone to use and that people will donate enough to sustain.”
They make no mention of discouraging use by torrenters. That was completely made up by people on this forum who don’t want to admit they’re collectively wasting money.
If the VPN is free, then you are the product.
How about you actually think about what this means instead of regurgitating it as though it’s a law of the universe?
Practically speaking, how am I the product? Practically speaking, why does it matter? Practically speaking, you’re just regurgitating bullshit you’ve been conditioned to accept by other proud consumers to justify why you’re wasting money and avoid looking for better options.
I don’t expect more from any of you at this point.
It’s like they want for people to respond with their consumerist nonsense, then remove/lock the thread so I can’t say anything back!
Really scummy behavior, but I honestly don’t expect more. Something fishy is going on for sure!
Yeah, and torrenting is an activist solution.
Yeah, that’s a lie suckers believe to justify wasting money.
Try to see things from a practical perspective instead of what will get you internet points from useful idiots.
Hey man, you’re arguing with yourself at this point.
Trying to convince yourself why you’re not wasting money.
Thanks for the informative response. I don’t have a fast internet connection and have to throttle my torrents anyways, so I’ve never reached the speed limit although I’m sure it’s there.
I’ve never heard of this, but I I see “MOBA shooter” and immediately think of Paragon.