I’m an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.

Your local herpetology guy.

Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2024


  • You don’t see people mention Linux Mint being hacked every chance they get.

    Because it happened once and they dealt with the issue, manjaro… has never dealt with any of their problems with any seriousness.

    It bothers you when people make decisions for themselves.

    No, I just think that people shouldn’t be recommending obviously bad things for new users. New users should be presented with evidence of why something might be good or bad, as long as that evidence is verifiably true… most importantly, they should be given things that will actually be easy. Which is why I recommended bazzite.

    I don’t believe most of what you say and you’re just here to shill your own, niche distro.

    Literally everything I said is a verifiable fact except that i service 5 people.

    I hope everyone reading this can realize how asinine this community has become and make pragmatic decisions for themselves!

    Dude this only makes you look asinine. Did you really post to a public forum with a poorly thought out bad opinion and no evidence and expect everyone to rally behind you as a pragmatist?

  • Ease of use is EXACTLY my issue with manjaro, as someone who has serviced 5 separate people, they have all managed to break it with their limited experience, without doing anything strange at all, in ways that have been increasingly difficult to fix, i eventually had them all switch.

    You’ve been lucky, if you use something like bazzite, you’ll literally never have any issues even if you try, let me give you an example of something that might happen if you use nvidia

    each linux package is version numbered, instead of just having a “linux” like arch does, manjaro insists you have linux49 installed, and that you use their gui kernel replacer to change them out.

    If you have the nvidia package installed, and don’t update for a very long time, eventually, this linux package will be one that’s out of date, and will conflict with the nvidia one, meaning now your machine can’t update, without some lengthy maintenance, this was something i had to do literally dozens of times. There is no chance an inexperienced user could figure this out for themselves. I essentially had to rdd the nvidia package, update, reinstall it, and it took hours.

    There are many other examples of this, manjaro is a pre-configured arch, sure, but it’s an extremely poorly pre-configured arch, endeavoros is command-line centric, sure, but you can just use the gui in the same way you can with manjaro, arch is just a cli-centric OS. If you don’t like the CLI, I highly recommend bazzite, you’ll never have any of these issues, updates will be automatic and easy to rollback, the system will be entirely unbreakable unless you try very very hard.

    “It just works” is precisely the problem with manjaro, it doesn’t just work, ease of use is not a valid usecase for manjaro for so many reasons.

    https://github.com/arindas/manjarno read this document for all their insane security failings.

    That’s not even going into the fact that they use the AUR and don’t push it back two weeks while also pushing back the arch packages two weeks, which accomplishes literally nothing, and also causes aur packages to break things regularly.

    These kinds of issues are not something I would ever recommend for someone who wants something easy to use. If you want something pre-configured, I assure you, you do not want arch, that defeats the very purpose and the very usecase of that distro.

    My entire focus is finding distros that are exceptionally easy to use for people, because I give linux to the elderly and i’m trying to increase the usernumbers, recommending manjaro is an absolute no for that. I actually had less maintenance when I was giving people arch setup with just archinstall kde and discover.

    Furthermore, if people hated “easy for user” distros, why are they not shitting on linux mint? Or bazzite? It’s quite possible that you’ve just chosen a bad distro and been lucky with your maintenance needs.

  • Based on my conversations with other self-proclaimed anarcho-communists in this very same thread[1], and that exchange mirroring the experience of every other anarcho-communist I’ve talked to on Lemmy apart from you, yeah, I kinda did.

    he’s obviously trolling you.

    But that’s besides the point. What I want is to be left alone. I want to get on with my life without someone demanding to know whether I believe Israel should exist or not, because both sides in that conflict are committing war crimes and the idea of reading seventeen Wikipedia pages about the historical conflict of those two countries so that I can choose which side to support and more effectively defend myself in Internet arguments I never asked to have doesn’t really appeal.

    then don’t post your poorly researched opinions online.

    I want to be able to not fully commit to being vegan quite yet without someone helpfully telling me I’m a murderer

    What so you want them to lie to you so that your feelings won’t be hurt and so you can pretend you’re a perfect person?

    I eat meat, i know it’s murder, it’s completely a wrong thing that I just enjoy and do. If someone calls me a murderer for it, they’re right, but I simply move on with my day. Do you actually believe you aren’t doing anything wrong and shouldn’t be called on it when you do something wrong? You are. Accept it and move on with your life. Eating meat is unethical, everyone knows it who isn’t delusional. Everyone does unethical things, whatever. Are you really so coddled that you can’t take the fact that you’re doing something unethical when you eat meat? You are.

    I want to look at memes without somehow getting into a discussion about economic systems. Most of all I want to be able to want that without being called a fascist.

    Then don’t whine about politics in threads.

    The ideas leftists present are good ideas. But I would like there to be a space I can go every now and again where I don’t have to think about them.

    boohoo, politics encompasses everything, you’re in a thread about politics… posting about politics… the fediverse is a political idea, mozilla is a company, it’s all politics. The world doesn’t revolve around your feelings. You literally brought this on yourself, completely.

  • Manjaro

    I highly recommend avoiding manjaro like the plague, their team is incredibly incompetent (see: https://manjarno.pages.dev/ ), I say this as someone who has given people manjaro for years and regretted it, I was also their it person, manjaro regularly broke every few months and gave people a very bad taste of linux

    for example, why are kernels given version numbers in packages? This caused 3 separate peoples computers to break multiple times. Everything good about manjaro comes from arch, everything bad about manjaro comes from the manjaro team.

    Y’know how it’s not rolling release because they delay packages by 2 weeks? They actually do no testing in this time. How do I know this? They pushed an update that caused steam to uninstall your desktop environment. Famously covered by linus tech tips… this is something that should have easily been caught, and yet the two week window did absolutely nothing.

    the truth is for manjaro there is no real usecase, there’s no set of desires that align with manjaro being the best choice for you. I am not asking you to switch away from manjaro, but I do not think we should ever recommend it to anyone, and on your next machine, I recommend trying the arch installer.

    But if what you’re looking for is an easy pre-setup arch, use endeavoros

    If you want something simple and up to date, use fedora kinoite

    If you’re a power user and want to configure every little thing about their system, use arch or nixos

    If you don’t care at all about updates and want the most rock solid system possible, debian.

  • Not in the sense that they’ll all be confiscated, but in the sense that multiple anarcho-communists have told me that under their utopia, theft will not be a crime.

    source: dude just trust me

    They were probably saying there will be no reason to steal because resources will be plentiful, not that you can just take other peoples stuff and it’s fine.

    They’ve also told me that under anarcho-communism, there will be no state, thus no laws, thus no justice system.

    no they didn’t, a state is just a monopoly on violence in a given region, there will still be law and order through democracy and consensus, it’ll just be horizontally handled by the community.

    If you are wronged, your only recourse is vigilantism – a point I can’t help but notice you quoted but conveniently glossed over

    this is just nonsense, we just believe these things would be handled communally, not by authority, but by democracy. it got glossed over because it’s just as much nonsense as the toothbrush thing.

    But I digress. Vigilantism doesn’t work (I’d be happy to explain why if you have trouble with that as well) and I’m still waiting to hear a single anarcho-communist propose an alternative.

    democratically run courts with rotations, honestly there are hundreds of ideas, google it. Nobodies idea is what you’re saying, it’s just a strawman.

    Does leftism only count if I do it in public?

    No but it means if you do it wrong you’ll get made fun of. You’ve clearly never even read a single book on anarchism and have strong opinions about it.

    If your opinions are based on complete nonsense strawmen, that explains why you keep getting made fun of.

    The point of the comic is that absolute buffoons say they’re getting bullied and that’s the reason they’re getting pushed right, like you. It has no basis in reality, people are just criticizing things they should criticize, and since you don’t bother to do the necessary reading to understand why people are criticizing you, you just go “the left is mean wahhh”

    The fact that your arguments are covered in socialism101 courses shows that you’ve never even bothered to make an attempt. Do you actually think socialists are so dumb that they never thought of these arguments? Do you actually think marx or kropotkin never came up with “but what if someone murders someone” on their own? They wrote all these books and they get dunked on by a guy who says “well what if someone takes my stuff?” in your imaginary world.