Its literally bash
Its literally bash
Also important to know is, us that Mint is based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. The majority of Stuff that works on Linux Mint should work the sane way on Debian and Ubuntu(except UI solutions OFC). So if you’re stuck try exchanging “how to do XYZ in Linux Mint” to “how to do XYZ in Ubuntu/Debian”
Didnt knew Arduino is a programming language now.
Factorio is great. I don’t think Theres another game that sucked up so many hours so quick. I absolutely love it. It takes a shit load of time(my first world took 40 hours and didnt complete the game). I’m now starting a new world because of space age, and already have a lot of plans on how to improve my world to male it better(starting with currently building a blueprint for a mall and rushing to robots in order to not being forced to build everything by hand). Also, disabling biters is a very good thing to do. I don’t want to focus on fighting biters. I just want to see the factory grow.
Dieser Kommentarbereich ist nun Eigentum det Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Mayonnaise on an escalator.
Or grow it yourself.
That’s way less than .25g I would even go for .1 or .15g
But don’t grind it down first.
Didnt knew that. Good that I regularly try to add more data to OSM.
You can actually contribute to it. There great mobile apps for this. I recommend Vespucci for in detail changes(creating new structures or editing their properties) and Street Complete for filling missing information.
If we don’t need traffic Information Organic maps is fine too. It now even says where you have to turn which is a major improvement.
Not in Berlin. The Brand calls themselves Berlin Döner and they operate in other Citys too. I personally got better Döner for the same money(in my region).
A quite big Döner Brand in Germany(Berlin Döner) has shops like this and they aren’t even that bad. They aren’t outstandingly god but also not bad. Its maybe a bit overpriced for 6€(at least in my city it costs 6€).
This is true. However, changes aren’t always bad. Messing up keybindings and just moving around stuff just so that it looks “cleaner” is the absolutely worst thing to do. If you decide to completely redesign your UI you should at least give Users the Opportunity to still use the old UI. This way new Users can start working with your new UI and the rest can, if they want, learn the new UI.
This is especially the Case when you redesign your UI in a way so that its more Intuitive to new Users.
This is such a masterpiece from xkcd
I(German) can agree(sadly).
Schwanzus Longus (this is the German Version)