Eh it’s just words and they are more common than just computers every time I work on my cars I sometimes might have to bleed the slave cylinder or fill the master cylinder when doing brake work
Eh it’s just words and they are more common than just computers every time I work on my cars I sometimes might have to bleed the slave cylinder or fill the master cylinder when doing brake work
As someone who likes moving parts on cars like pop ups that would be so sick hell I’ve even fantasized about pop up tail lights that do basically this
I suppose the main bulk of people misinterpreting op is due to how most people don’t think of EVs as the default and as someone who lives in a part of the US where EVs are pretty rare I assumed Regen braking was activated by pressing the brakes but hey I guess that goes to show my lack of ev experience and motivation to think about how driving one works due to how rarely I come across them and have the opportunity to even consider buying one
In my experience unless you’re in Vermont that is quite true but yeah in Vermont just about everyone makes their own maple syrup if I recall correctly we I believe banned corn syrup maple syrup because everyone here takes maple syrup very seriously
Eh what is a root if not wood that is covered in dirt
If you’re going back in time it’s possible you can end up in different time lines like maybe you could rencarnate into a timeline where Stalin never came into power because you caused him to become the dictator he’s known as today or maybe you could rencarnate as Adolfs mother and have to raise your child knowing the monster he will become shit that actually sounds like a good novel I want to read
And here I was thinking reincarnation was a among same species like if you’re born a titmouse you can only be reincarnated as another titmouse then again how would that work as evolution comes around like how much can a cardinal mutate before it’s no longer a cardinal
Just think of the lost sap collectors that got lost in the corn maze
Sets beer down. Now get back to me when you need a engineer to find out how many guns it takes to unclog a drain
I think it’s more accurate to say that the company running the ai has a set of keywords that when spotted in a prompt reject the prompt
Hey look buddy now I’m an engineer that means I solve practical problems not problems like is social engineering a ai hacking or is social engineering haking for non scilicon computers because that would fall into your conundrums of philosophy
Frankly I think a moderate amount of piracy helps industrys as when we have companies like Nintendo who provides terrible service making it impossible to access old games piracy helps as blokes can use piracy to get shit that ain’t even sold honestly it’s probably more accurate to consider piracy a gauge for how terrible the industry service standards are
There’s a tube connecting your ears to your mouth and urine has to make it from your digestion to bladder
But if we are going by topology logic the vagina isn’t a true hole it’s caped by the womb init so it’s at most a cave
I’m quite confused cause the only Dexter I know is from Dexter’s lab
Wait it’s all internet
No you see he has grass growing in his keyboard so he can touch grass without going outside
After all why call it a hard drive if it doesn’t make you hard