Ah yes, I don’t think they offer iOS
Thunderbird does have a Mac client I thought?
I finally set up Joplin server. It is a revelation after too long using Syncthing to sync databases. I wasn’t able to use Joplin on Android anymore- the sync to file system had gotten too slow. Now everything syncs pretty much instantly!
Nice, right now I use Shizuku and an app called Darq to force some apps dark. This would save me that effort!
People can follow and comment to my WordPress from the fediverse. My posts are long enough that they don’t really look right on Mastodon (and images all show up as attachments rather than inline), but nice for shorter format blogs
I do the same, but I’ve run into a bottleneck where Joplin syncs encrypted notes really, really slowly to local storage. So looking to switch to hosted Joplin server
The perplexing thing is that unlike Thunderbird, I have never seen them ask for donations
No, Mozilla Foundation is a nonprofit owning a for profit corporation also called Mozilla. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Foundation
The recently former CEO, Mitchell Baker, made almost 7 million! It had increased exponentially in recent years
DDG is a private company. Mozilla is nominally a nonprofit but clearly is not running itself like one
I use Home Assistant DuckDNS and Nginx addons. DuckDNS handles the dynamic DNS updating when my ISP inevitably changes my IP address. Let’s Encrypt for certificates. Nginx for proxying to IPs on my network
I think it would be best for Firefox to be given greater autonomy, like Thunderbird has been. Thunderbird asks for donations and I’m happy to provide! I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Thunderbird started to thrive after being greater independence. Major new initiatives in user interface, mobile client after years of stagnation. Something at Mozilla central is deeply rotten.
Same, also the Readrops app. Less features but faster sync.
Yes, it’s indefensible and bizarre. I was the one who first put forward the idea on their Connect forum. I don’t understand their thinking on a lot of development priorities, and they don’t seem to care too much about helping us understand.
Tablet UI is available in Nightly. It’s actually pretty good!
I found it very odd how little they emphasize donations. Wikipedia, for example, has been quite successful with their pledge drive model, and like Wikipedia, Firefox has a natural platform to ask people to donate. I guess they are afraid of people switching to a browser that doesn’t ask them to donate, where with Wikipedia, there is no real alternative
Are you on a lower specced device? I notice it can have high resource usage at times
I found it annoying on my Note 20 because that space was mostly lost for using the pen. Glad to have gained that real estate back for writing on the S24 Ultra
I use Flauncher. It works pretty well and is a simple grid of icons. With some ADB commands it can be set as default, which I did on my Shield
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